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2:03 p.m

"Oh my God! Melanie I can't believe your having a baby. Hell your a baby." Brooklynn joked on the other end of the phone. She couldn't help but to laugh at Brooklynn. Indeed Brooke was a little older than Melanie but only by three years. Her first plans were to tell Mariah and Breylynn, but after finding out they were busy she held off.

So Brooke and Emily were the next best thing. Unfortunately Emily was currently at a cousin's birthday party so Melanie decided to just text her. She knew when she got the opportunity to look at her phone Emily would soon blow Melanie's phone up.

"I'm still shocked too but it's a journey I'm ready for." Melanie cheesed sorting through the papers. Jasiah, her cousin,  had a science fair project that was suppose to be submitted in their school's science fair today. Not remembering he waited until his mother left for work to tell her. Not only that but he had to be to the science fair at four and have the project ready to present.

After his mother took the time out to calm down after going off she called up Melanie. She had never really asked of nothing too much from her but this time she needed a favor. Of course Melanie agreed to help out because she too had done this exact same thing when she was little. Except it involved her mother being a tad bit more furious that what her oldest cousin was currently.

Luckily, Jasiah had the report saved on Google Docs giving Melanie and them less of a headache. The only thing Melanie really had to do was print out a few pictures of cells, write some facts about it, and make it look cute. In a way she had missed when school projects were at its simplest forms. When she had entered college projects went from pictures of cells to a ten page essay on cells, how they worked, how they were created, the history of it creation, and making sure to include citation from the book.

All written in APA or MLA style.

Jasiah was thankful that his big cousin could help him out and possibly save him from a whopping. His mother had just got off and would pick him up and then swing by Melanie for the project. In fact Melanie hadn't realize how close she actually lived to his school. She had made a mental note to sometimes pick him up if his parents couldn't make it.

"I just know you and King are jumping through the roof. This is only going to make y'all fall in love even more." Brooke mentioned excusing herself as she coughed.

Melanie's eyebrows knitted together before speaking. "What you mean by that?" She wondered this wasn't the first time she had heard something like this.

Clearing her throat from the rough cough Brooke explained. "So you know how like lovebirds or just anyone who is in love honestly. A lot of people say that when they had a child their love for their significant other grew even more. So I was saying that's probably going to happen to y'all too. But then again y'all already love each other to much."

"No we don't." Melanie laughed placing her phone down on the table. Pressing the speaker option Melanie gathered up her trash and headed to the kitchen.

"Yes." Brooke sneezed loudly apologizing afterwards. "Ugh! I meant yes y'all are. Two little love bi-." She paused again a sneeze soon following.

"Have you gone to the doctor yet?" Melanie questioned dumping the trash in the trash can as she entered the living room again.

"Girl no and I'm starting to feel worst. I was only able to get her for Wednesday of next week. You would think we're playing a game of hide and seek as to how much I don't see this lady." Brooke complained sounding as if she was sniffling.

"I had the same problem like that with my doctor when I was younger. Seen the lady once and after that it was FaceTime calls." Melanie explained plopping back on the couch. "But if your not feeling all that well I'm going to let you go. At least so you can rest up because being sick is draining."

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