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"Pops you press x not y." King laughed as he instructed his father on how to use the console. His father and him were playing some of King's old games off his Xbox 360 that he left home when he left for ESU. In his opinion the three-sixty was better than the one.

"Where my man at?" Mr.Wright asked squinting at the tv screen. He pressed a few buttons before eventually his player bar light up white. "And I press x to pass it?" He also asked looking for the mystery button.

"Yeah but hurry up because they'll call the five second rule." King informed him while he waited for his dad to get it together.

Soon his father found x and now had move his team down the court. King quickly got his team on defense even though it wasn't necessary because the score was 20 to 2. And we think you know who had two.

"And when you get ready to shoot press the button and wait for your bar to fill up green. Then release it. And then it'll switch to one of your rebounders to get it if you miss. So press x for that too if you need to." King further explained reaching over helping his father guide his player to a clear shot.

"Alright." He said shaking his head in an okay way. After a couple presses of some buttons Mr.Wright scored a three and to him that was an accomplishment.

"Come on!" He cheered beating his chest a little. King immediately became embarrassed even with no one looking at them. He quickly swiped for his father to sit back on the couch.

"Pops you only got five points. That's whack." gibed King shaking his head at his fathers proudness of a few points.

"What you being grimey for?" Mr.Wright jested towards King. He enjoyed times like this where he could spend time with his children even if it was the most simplest stuff. Not to mention his little granddaughter running around everywhere warmed his heart too.

"Chill out." joked King as he paused the game. "About to hurt your back getting up off that couch that fast."

Mr.Wright chuckled while he placed his controller down. "Don't get snuffed." He warned holding up his fist.

Holding up his hands in surrender mode King laughed also. His father may have been up in age to some people but he was still young to King. And he sure did move like it too. Which explained why he always wanted to fight King all the time.

"Get me a water real quick." He demanded as he leaned back against the couch. King agreed and lifted hisself off the couch and made his way into the kitchen. Suddenly he heard a phone ringing he felt his pockets until he felt his phone. But surprisingly it wasn't his phone. It was his fathers.

"What's good, B?" He heard his father greet in his little accent. Something that he had acquired from him but didn't use much. Typically only around him the most.

Opening the fridge he looked inside until he found the water bottle stash and grabbed two. Closing it behind him he heard the stumps of feet coming towards him. Looking in direction of the noise it was Kyla wobbling on her to little left feet towards him. Or at least that's what he thought when he opened his arms for her and she brushed right past him.

Taking both bottles over to his father he gave him one as his father mouthed thank you before continuing his conversation. As if on cue his mother came trotting down the stairs with a look as if she was searching for something.

"Where Ky at?" She asked reaching the last step placing her hands on her hip. She had changed out her clothes from earlier and was wearing a pair of yoga pants and a top, with house slippers.

"In the kitchen." King answered opening up his water bottle and bringing it to his lips. He took a couple gulps before topping the top back on.

"And you didn't stop her." She said giving him a blank look. Something she did whenever she was mad or disliked something that was said.

"Ma' she always run in the kitchen." King reassured placing his water bottle on the couch. He walked in the kitchen to find Kyla no where in sight. But the door of the laundry room was open. Knowing that Kyla was already in there he opened the door a little more to get a better view. He found her sitting in her neon green Mercedes car that her father had brought her awhile back. It wasn't turned on nor was it moving but Kyla made the best out of it.

"Come on baby girl." King chirped prying Kyla's little chubby hands off the toy car wheel. She fussed a little but soon gave in when King swooped her up. Deciding to charge up her car King grabbed the black charger and plugged it in. Turning the light out and closing the door Kyla played with his chain as he lead her back into the living room.

"And where were you?" Mrs.Wright asked tickling Kyla. She laughed and moved around in King's arm but he made sure she let go of his chain.

Claiming down from her laughter fit Kyla spoke. "Room." She answered pointing to the laundry room.

"I told you stay out of there." She reminded her grabbing her out of King's arm. Once Kyla was with his mom he decided to check his phone. King had a habit of forgetting time whenever he had something going on. Clicking his home button his phone lit up once again revealing his notifications.

Instagram    26 mins ago

Mother of 4 💕 (britniiix) has requested to follow you.

Instagram    34 mins ago

live love (ynwjeff) has requested to follow you.

Mines ❤️ 1h ago
No we needa do the 13th.

Nikki 2h ago
Okay I'll be home

Taking a seat on the couch while his mother tussled around with Kyla and his father continued his conversation. He ignored the Instagram notifications and clicked straight on Mel's name. Somehow he must have forgotten to text her back while playing with his dad. But he made sure that was the first thing he did.

Once he was done with that he clicked on Nikki's name and glanced at the time she had sent it. Well it was now 6:34 p.m and King was late to his little lunch with her. Did he care ? No. But it was out of respect that he at least tried to show up.

"Ma' I'm about to go." King announced watching his mother make silly faces at Kyla. She responded to some of them but half of the time she she made spit bubbles.

"This early?" She questioned looking at the wall clock that rested above the picture wall. Normally when King came to do his visits he usually stayed over or headed out pretty late. Unless he told them other wise.

"Yeah. The constructer that I got doing the shop wants to meet about a couple things." He lies grabbing his keys off the coffee table and twirling them around on his index finger. King had almost shocked hisself about how fast he had camw up with that lie. He didn't like the feeling he got from any of this.

"Okay baby. I hope everything is good." reassured his mother as she bounced Kyla up and down on the table. "And be safe." She added.

"Yes ma'am." King joked knowing it would irk his mothers nerves. He loved to complain to her about how she still treated him like a child when he was a grown man now. And just like any other mother her line was always: Boy you're going to need your mother no matter how old you are.

And that was true.

King planted a kiss on his mother cheek and gave her a quick squeeze. Kyla didn't enjoy being ignored during their process so right now she had a handful of King's beard. The pain instantly came the minute he tried to remove her little hand. Kyla laughed at her uncle who winced in pain before letting go.

His mother shook her head while King rubbed what felt like a gap in his beard. "For that you only get one kiss." He joked giving Kyla a kiss on her chubby cheeks. King didn't noticed but Kyla had puckered her lips up to but it was to late.

"Alright pops." King whispered dapping his father down. After saying his farewells King left and made his way to his car. Once he reached it he opened the door and got in, while closing the door behind him. Pulling back out his phone King logged in quickly and went straight to his messages.

I'll be there soon    6:42 p.m

Throwing the phone into the cup holder King started up the engine, strapped hisself up, and began to back out the drive way.

To Nikki house he went.

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