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"Is this Drémon?" King asked gripping the steering wheel a little tighter as he made a sharp turn. Did he have a motto behind this phone call? Not really. He just needed to make some things clear if they weren't already.

"Who is this?" Drémon asked. There were some loud nosies behind him making King bring the phone away from his ear a little bit.

"It's King." He answered making sure to keep the phone distanced from him. Matter of fact just to play it safe he placed him on speaker and laid the phone in his cup holder.

Suddenly King heard laughter. It was loud laughter at that and it wasn't coming from him. It Drémon.

"I guess she was right." He intrigued clapping his hands.

At first King mugged him but he remembered that he couldn't see him so he sucked his lips in instead. And what he wanted to know was what hell had Melanie told him.

"So why you on my line is what I really want to know?" Drémon asked intrigued also but not for the right reasons.

"I'm not coming here to disrespect you but out of respect as Melanie's boyfriend. I just wanted to know why were you texting her?" He questioned being completely honest. For one King didn't have the energy for any smart comments right now. He just simply wanted to know who was he to Mel.

"Because that's what you do when you have a persons number." Drémon responded smartly causing King to bite down on his lip a little.

Didn't I just tell- don't do it King just find out what you need to know.

Coughing King tried to find a way to come back from the smart remark. He didn't want to be disrespectful but then again he was coming at him wrong.

"Look I understand your Mel's best friend or what-."

"Best friend?" Drémon repeated in complete confusion. He almost wanted to laugh again but he decided not to give him a show. The real question was what did Melanie text King exactly.

"Yeah." King said again almost in a reminding tone. "No offense but your her gay best friend from Wing Stop that she t-."

"Gay!" He practically yelled. Drémon didn't have one problem with homosexual people but if he wasn't that then he didn't want to be associated with it. "Okay obviously Melanie and you need to work on communication in your relationship. For one I'm not her gay best friend. I'm her ex." He further explained making sure everything was clear.

King was silent for a moment. Melanie had lied to him about something so simple but yet for some reason he couldn't find hisself to get angry at her. Normally he would have came punching down Drémon's front door right now, but he couldn't. And he knew exactly why.

It's because he too had lied about something so small and yet continued to lie until it turned into something big. Now he was sitting here with the guilt that he possibly smashed his ex.

Handling it calmly King continued. "Okay so since your her ex all of a sudden. Me as her boyfriend would appreciate if you didn't text her. I'm pretty sure whatever you guys had in the past is in the past."

"Woah! I didn't know she started dating Dr.Phil. You can't tell me what to do. If Melanie wants me to text her then I will. It's not like you knew anyway. So just because it came to the light don't try to act all big and bad now." Drémon warned smacking his lips.

Now King felt the anger because now Drémon was playing with him.

"Alright. See I tried to keep it cool with you but you getting out of yo' place that you belong in. I really don't care what you think Melanie is entitled to. Me as her boyfriend, since you don't understand that word I don't want you contacting her. And another thing don't comment on sh*t about our relationship." King barked. His nostrils were flaring as he twisted his neck from side to side.

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