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We got a different type of feel that can't nobody understand....

                          - R

"So are y'all going to keep acting like y'all three?" Mariah questioned Melanie as she took a bite of her pizza. She had called the girls over for a little chill day to get their minds off this coming school year. Melanie and Breylynn were all worked up about medical school and how things would turn out. Whereas Mariah was excited but nervous of starting her new job in August.

"Who?" Melanie questioned as she picked the sausage off the pizza. Melanie could not stand pizza. She thought it was the most disgusting thing in the world. Even the thought of pizza made her stomach twist in knots. But you would think since she worked at Dominos for two years that she would have a different mind set.

"Don't who us! You know exactly who we're talking about." Breylynn corrected her. It didn't take long for the girls to find out about the whole not talking situation. Matter of fact right when King saw Mel she had shot her girls a text.

Rolling her eyes, Mel took a bite out of her buffalo chicken sandwich and laid back. Mariah had a point about King and her not talking but they just wouldn't understand.

"It's not me if you think about it. If king comes and talk to me I will gladly accept. But we all know how King gets when he's angry." Melanie explained backing herself up.

"No it's always you too!" Mariah jumped in trying to make Mel understand her part in this too.

"You always do that." Breylynn added. "Every time something goes wrong in you and King's friendship you put all the blame on him. Because you sit up there ignoring the fact that this boy is in love with you. So you use that as a weakness to keep messing over him."

The room had grew silent now. Even Mariah loud puppy had gotten quiet and went back to playing with his toy.

"How the hell am I using him?" Melanie had now sat up to hear this. The good thing about the girls relationship was that they could have talks like this and not feel like one was coming for the other.

"You know how Mel." Mariah said twisting her lip.

"So you really want to know how?" Breylynn asked in all seriousness because to be honest she was a bit fed up with King and Mel childish way. There friendship was to good to let go just because two lovebirds couldn't see that they love each other.

"Yeah I really do!" Mel answered putting down her sandwich.

"Okay it's time for a best-friend-one-on-one." Bre announced throwing her bean bag closer to the couch where Mel and Mariah were.

Everyone had put down their food now and had sat up to hear this. Whenever the girls needed to talk about something serious they would hold one of these. In the best-friend-one-on-one, your closet friends would sit down and listen to a problem your having. From there yours friends have to give their honest opinion whether it hurts or not. From there usually the person with the problem would make their decision from there.

"Okay let me chime in real quick." Mariah said.

"The floor is open." Melanie responded moving her arm across the room in a presenting way.

"Alright so this is how I feel. Every since you and King met that day y'all been friends every since. And I think he always had a love for you as a friend up until he met Ashely. Remember that mixed girl from freshman year that took Spanish class with us. Remember how King started liking her and she turned him down the first shot he threw at her." Mariah explained covering her feet with the blanket.

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