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7:24 a.m
Lake After Hours

"So was it a third degree?" Questioned Emily as she snuck a Ritz cracker into her mouth. She wasn't due for a lunch break until nine but she made sure she kept little snacks under her desk.

"No." Brooke answered leaning over the side of the desk. "He said it seemed like a second so once the blister pops it shouldn't leave any scarring."

"I don't think thats right." Melanie butted in placing the manilla folders in their right cabinet. Later these would have to be filed correctly by Emily and Brooke.

"Woah! Your going against the doctor?" Brooked exclaimed holding her hands up in the air.

"You know she's going to be a doctor pretty soon. So educate us Dr.Spears as to why you think Dr.Haskens is wrong." Emily challenged Melanie. Both her and Brooke turned their chairs around so they could face Mel.

Entering the cubicle, Melanie pulled out a near by chair and sat down. Luckily there weren't any patients except for the one that everyone was discussing at the moment.

"See my finger." Melanie announced holding up her index finger. Instead of being the color of the rest of her body it consisted of white fleshly color and a few specks of brown.

"Wait how come we've never notice this?" Emily queried as she gave Melanie's hand a disgusted look.

Brooke on the other hand was confused also as she examined it harder. "Does it hurt?" She asked poking Melanie's finger.

"Move." Melanie laughed swatting at Brooke. "It hasn't hurt since the day I burnt it."

"When was?" Cooed Emily.

"My twelfth grade year in high school. I was cooking-well trying to cook some chicken. So I prepared my grease first so it could get hot enough. But by the time it was ready I didn't have my chicken seasoned. Being the smart chief that I am I decided to move the piping hot grease to the next burner that wasn't on. In the process of moving it the grease also decided to move..right onto my hand." Melanie explained looking at her hand herself.

"So how come it didn't effect your other fingers." Brooke inquired taking one of Emily's crackers.

"It did but it only left scars on my middle and ring fingers. So I was able to peel the scars off and my hand went back to normal. But moral of the story." Melanie said changing the subject. "I went to my doctor for her to check it out since I had to walk around with this huge bubble on top of my finger. Once she looked at it she told me it was a second degree burn and it would just leave scarring. Well that was a lie. It turned out to be a third which burnt off my skin completely."

"Well its a little to late now." Emily joked stashing her crackers back underneath her desk.

Hearing the footsteps behind them, the girls looked behind the corner to find Dr.Haskens, and a lady along with her five year old daughter approaching them. The girl was holding a purple fruit snack packet in her hands that had the Disney character Vampirina on it.

"Don't forget to not to cover it so often that way bacteria won't get inside of it. Also make sure she doesn't pop it because that can cause infections to. So you have to promise me and mom that you won't do anything to the bump." Dr.Hasken opposed the little girl as he kneeled down to her level.

At first the little girl hid behind her mothers leg hoping to get away from him. But with a few soft words from her mother she reappeared.

"High five to seal the promise?" He asked holding his hand out. Since the little girls blister was on her pinky so they couldn't make a pinky promise.

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