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Just a quick authors' note...I don't know if you guys noticed but the numbers of the chapters have been messed up. For example chapter fifty-four was skipped. So I went in and fixed it. So if you click a chapter and your like "what the hell I just read fifty-nine" sorry you didn't lol. Y'all I'm sorry it's fixed now but yes this is chapter fifty-nine. Now back to King.

"How could I leave my keys inside?" King thought to hisself as he scrunched his eyes in confusion. It had totally slipped his mind when he stepped out that his keys weren't in his hands. Scanning the living room King immediately shook his head side to side. There was no way that his keys were over there.

Patting his pockets he mentally checked off pockets in his head. Growing frustrated King headed to his room but suddenly a knock to his door stopped him in his tracks. Clicking the power button of his Apple Watch King had grew confused once again. Melanie didn't stay far away but she had a good distance to come before she made it to his residence. And Melanie wasn't your type of fast driver.

But maybe tonight she rushed.

"Who is it?" He asked turning around and heading back towards the door.

The person never answered instead they knocked again. King head flew back at the weird response. Normally someone would say their name or if they were a food chain. He was starting to question who was truly at the door.

"Who is it?" He asked again waiting at the door.

"Can you just open up King?" The voice begged on the other side.

At first King's body had twitched at the sound of the voice. But he knew for a fact that Nikki couldn't have been outside his door. He never told her where he lived and neither had he left any clues. His personal space was one thing he wanted to keep private from her.

Moving away from the door King stuck a finger in between the blinds and opened them. Squinting his eyes he looked around until they landed directly on Nikki. She gave him a small smile and a wave but King immediately shut the blinds. It seemed like a headache started to instantly form as he went back to open the door.

Maybe a restraining order wasn't so bad, He thought as he unlocked the door. Swinging it open there revealed Nikki herself. Her hair was back in a tight ponytail and this time she had did the front a little. She was dressed in a black Nike jumpsuit with shoes to match. Her red purse swung back and forth as she gave him once again a small smile. 

"Before you even speak or I call the cops." King started blowing out a deep breath. It was like he couldn't catch a break from this chick. Every second he turned around she seemed to come around. "How did you get my address?" He wondered holding on to the doorknob just in case he needed to close it.

"I'm not stalking you or anything. I have a co-worker that stays in the back. One day when I was leaving I seen you coming out." She explained shrugging her shoulders. Nikki knee she couldn't tell him the truth of how she used Deezy's video. And the grace of him walking outside to find him.

"Look Nikki I'm trying my hardest to keep all the respect I have for you but I'm really getting sick of your shit. Leave or I'm calling the cops." King demanded started to close the door but Nikki hand stopped it.

"King I seriously need to talk to you." Nikki pleaded letting her hand slide off the door. "I promise I'm not pulling any tricks or game. I just want to talk like adults and that's all. I promise." She continued returning her hand to her purse strap.

It grew quiet and for a second Nikki wondered if she had failed. King looked between Nikki and the parking lot. He had two options here and both could end negative. On one hand he could let Nikki in, they talk, and Melanie pulls up. And then he could talk outside with Nikki and Melanie still would pull up. Either way it went King was doomed for failure.

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