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♫ "I'm off to better things. I'm doing shit that's going to make me elevate. Only want people around that's gonna' make me better. It's the mhm. They ask how I get that ohh."

As Nikki cruised down the street of her neighborhood she sung along to Coi Leary's latest hit. She didn't see the reason as to why some people panties were in a bunch over it. Calling it "played out" or "annoying" , Nikki loved the overall message within the song.

She was off to better things.

But she couldn't lie to herself. Sometimes she still thought about that day Melanie came over. It worried her at times that she had let vial information out but she understood Melanie was in trouble. Taking that she didn't see her on the local news for murder gave her a sign of relief. Hopefully Melanie had listened and drugged King and his mystery women.

In fact Nikki was shocked herself. She knew blaming the baby on King was a bit much, but hell King going out his way to cheat was more than she expected. Deep down no matter how much Nikki wanted to lie to herself she knew King loved Melanie. She seen it the first day he introduced them.


"The answer is not 69!" Nikki giggled as she erased the foolish answer from her paper. This was her third time attempting this difficult math problem and sadly she was giving up. But luckily she had the best boyfriend in the world to help her out.

Notice how she didn't say smartest.

"Baby I did it twice and that's the answer. If my help isn't going to be appreciated I can meet the gang over at Deezy's." King suggested taking a few of her Skittles while she wasn't looking. The boys had decided that tonight was going to be game night. Everyone bought one game for the crew to play. Each person would battle each other out or everyone would play at once. Snacks were suggested but they already had someone out doing that.

"This is how I know your lying King." Nikki started taking a Skittle out his hand. "69 isn't even one of the answer choices. So tell me why your really saying that?" Nikki wondered shaking her head as she giggled. King was just a person full of surprises when he wanted some.

"I thought two minutes ago you would have seen that. But now since we're both on the same path." King corrected her removing the notebook from her lap. Pulling her on top he made sure she sat in the right spot. "The answer is one-thirty six but subtract sixty-seven and me and you could sixty-." But suddenly he was cut off by the buzzing sensation in his pocket. Pulling his phone out he read the screen.

Aggy ❤️
would like to FaceTime.....

Quickly accepting the call King waited as connecting stayed across his screen. For a second King didn't have any words because he knew Nikki would be upset. Looking up from the screen for a second he seen how Nikki had quickly grabbed her phone to distract herself. But he knew she was listening and was upset.

"King?" Melanie almost screamed as her forehead could be seen glistening in the sun. From what he could see she seemed to inside her car.

"Wassup Melanie?" He questioned placing his hand behind his head. His other hand could be found smothered underneath Nikki's private but Mel didn't need to see that.

"Okay so let me-. Hold on." She started as she began to exit the car. From the sound of things Melanie seemed to be on a busy interstate or road. But why was she calling him instead of driving? "I know y'all see it's missing what do y'all want me to do go around!" She yelled as she began to wave the phone in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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