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You truly do some dumb stuff, King thought to hisself as his hand rested against the doorknob. Soon Melanie knocked again and King's breathing seemed to hitch. He knew he couldn't stall any longer or it would make him look even more suspicious. Inhaling a deep breath and exhaling King unlocked the door and twisted the doorknob open.

There stood Melanie with a gold box in one hand and her purse in the other. Her normal puff was gone and instead she wore curly hair. King didn't keep up with her different hairstyles in fact he didn't care which she did. Melanie looked beautiful in anything and any hairstyle. She had on what seemed to be a oversized grey shirt that read Finesser. It was a tad bit cropped but majority of her stomach was covered.

She paired it with black sweatpants and some black Nike slides. She was comfortable King noticed.

"Hey baby." fretted King as he pulled Melanie into a hug. Melanie was caught off guard but immediately wrapped her arms around him. He rocked them a bit before pulling away. "I missed you so much." He cooed grabbing her chin and lifting it up a bit. But before Melanie could respond his lips came crashing down onto hers.

Melanie couldn't help but to laugh at King craziness as she shoved the box into his stomach. "Okay. Okay King. You about to take all my chapstick off." She giggled pulling away.

King laughed too as a cover to hide his nervousness. "I'm sorry I told you I missed you."

"I see." Melanie paused scrunching her eyebrows together. "Why do you look so sick?" She wondered switching the box to her other hand. With her now free hand Melanie cupped King's face to see if it was warm.

King shrugged his shoulders as he made sure to grab ahold of the doorknob. Melanie shrugged hers too before patting his chest. "You know this is the part where you let me in right." She joked sucking in her lip.

"You always got jokes." King said pushing the door open. At first he wanted to to close his eyes and just pray that Nikki had jumped out a window. But he knew God didn't do miracles like that.

Melanie shook her head as she walked in. She was to busy trying to find a place to put her purse that she hadn't notice Nikki at first. King had shut the door but this time he hadn't locked it. He looked past Melanie and at Nikki who was sitting there with a smirk. Her hand propped up her head as if she was watching a show.

"What happened to the ta-."

Melanie words were interrupted when her eyes caught a full view of Nikki. At first glance she blinked to make sure she hadn't went crazy and was seeing things. But when her eyes focused once again she immediately closed her eyes. King on the other hand heart had completely dropped to his stomach. There was no turning back now.

"Melanie before you start I promise this isn't what it-." King started but he instantly hushed when Melanie held up her index finger.

Her head shook back and forth repeatedly as she dropped her finger. Her eyes had finally opened and the sight of Nikki made her head start to pound. Melanie could feel the steam coming from her ears and nose like a steam boat as she bit down on her bottom lip. Her breathing had hitch up a bit as her hand bawled in and out.

"Don't say one word Kingston and I mean it." Melanie commanded as she turned around to face him.

Out of all his years of knowing Melanie he had never seen her truly angry. Of course he seen what could happen if she got upset. Or even if you pissed her off. But usually it was a couple curse words and then someone telling her to calm down. But this time it was different. Her face was different. Her demeanor was off.

He had pushed Melanie's buttons and that was a  different site to see.

"I'm not even about to run off for this one." Melanie laughed giving King a smile. But it wasn't the sweet smile that King was use to seeing. It had anger behind it and the true reason Melanie wore the smile was to keep herself from spazzing out. "Oh no I want to hear this." Melanie announced walking towards Nikki.

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