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"Next up Boo'd Up by Ella Mai." The radio guy announced before he played the track. Soon King speakers were blasting the love song all throughout  the car. Immediately just like any other girl Nikki started to sing but since she wasn't in the comfort of her own car...she mumbled it.

Not wanting to be rude King lowered it just a tad bit to where his voice could still be heard. "Do you need to stop anywhere while we out?" King asked looking through his side mirror.


"No." Nikki semi yelled cutting Trey off. "No we don't need anything. We got everything at the house." Nikki added shifting her purse in her lap.

King looked through the top mirror to see Trey's face turn a little disappointed and embarrassed. "I was just finna ask if we could go to McDonald's." He mumbled into his seatbelt strap a little.

"Well this isn't your car so you don't decide where you want to go. What did I tell you? You get don't get into people car and boss them around." Nikki chastised him as she turned around in her seat to face him.

"But I wasn't bossing him around ma'." Trey justified hisself growing a bit angry.

"Trey." She corrected him.

"Yes ma'am." He said defeated.

"Woah Nikki! Calm down. Why you jumping down my mans throat like that." King wondered jokingly. "It's okay I don't mind taking him to get something to eat." He reassured her looking over his shoulder at her.

"It's not that King. My mother taught me the same thing and I'm going to teach him the same way." Nikki asserted finally looking over at King.

"And I understand that. I don't have kids so I wouldn't know to much about that. I'm not telling you to let up or you teaching him wrong. I'm just simply saying if he wants McDonald's I'll take him." Pleaded King.

Rolling her eyes Nikki agreed. In about the next ten minutes King pulled into a McDonald's not to far from where Nikki said she lived. Driving around to the drive thru King joined the small line.

"You know what you want?" Nikki asked Trey who say quietly in the back.

"A cheeseburger and fries." He answered looking at the menu through his window.

"You want anything?" King asked Nikki who seemed to be looking at the menu also.

"No I'm good." She said sitting back in her seat.

While they waited King decided to check his Instagram real quick to pass time.

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