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Three days later........

The Hatch

"Breylynn you got your card today?" Deezy joked leaning against his trunk. Mariah had been in the backseat window fixing her hair from the time Deezy had stopped the car. But he figured it was a women's thing and decided not to bother her. Her hair could literally be going any which way and Deezy would still find her attractive.

Trying to fix the small wrinkles in her shirt Breylynn gave Deezy a quick roll of the eyes before answering. "I don't know why your worried about my money." She inquired settling on letting the few wrinkles stay.

"Deezy always in somebody business." Mariah added causing the rest of everyone to join in on the joke.

"Don't do that." Deezy said holding up his finger and shaking his head. "Unless you want to walk."

"Don't play with me." Mariah warned swatting at his finger but ended up missing.

"I wasn't in your business. I was just asking because didn't you say you was paying in the group chat?" Deezy wondered scrunching his eyebrows together.

"Now you know good and well I didn't say that. Melanie and King were the ones that invited us here so ask them that." Breylynn added nodding her head towards them.

Indeed it was true that Melanie and King had invited the group out to lunch. Miraculously everyone had some free time to spare making the their plans even better. To the group it was just a breakfast date or just simply hanging out. But King and Melanie planned on breaking the good news to them.

Deezy turned his attention onto the couple that Breylynn had named with an eyebrow risen. King had been to busy on his phone to notice, while on the other hand Melanie had a perfect middle finger waiting for Deezy.

"Yeah I got enough money on my card to cover everybody but you." She mentioned giving him a sweet smile.

"Dray you good?" Breylynn interrupted looking over at Dray. He stood off to the side with his hands in his pockets just starring. By following his eyes she could tell that he was just focusing on anything.

"Yeah I'm fine I was just waiting for y'all to come on so we could go inside. I been starving all day and y'all out here playing." He answered laughing drawing the attention off him.

Taking it as their cue they all made sure they had everything together. Such as: keys, money, and phone's. Truly the only three essential things they needed. Following behind one another Melanie looked over at King who hadn't placed his phone down since they had arrived.

"What's got your attention?" She wondered looking over at his phone. His fingers were moving a thousand miles per hour as he constantly sent a text and the other person replied.

"The shop actually. Jace did the count for this morning and it wasn't right. So I'm having him run me through it again to make sure I don't have to go up there and kill someone." He answered blowing out a deep breathe.

In all honestly King trusted Jace and as well as his employees. But also in the back of his head he knew he couldn't trust everyone. Which was why he trusted them from a distance. Meaning he gave them the slightest amount of trust he had in him.

"He probably counted it wrong." She reassured him shrugging her shoulders. "Back when I use to work at Dominos I counted the money wrong almost every night I closed. Mostly because people would leave money in other safes or sometimes I didn't fully check if the safe was clear." She further explained as they crossed the busy intersection.

All hurrying across King decided to hold the door open for everyone. Of course everyone thanked him and acted accordingly except for Deezy. Sometimes Melanie and them wondered how they had even embarked on adding him to the group. But despite his constant annoyance Deezy was the peace and joy of the friendship. He looked out for everyone and always made sure he could put a smile on your face even when you didn't want one there. 

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