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Two months had passed now and King and Melanie were doing amazing. Of course separately though. Melanie had completely pushed the Nikki and King situation out of her memory, and was moving on. On the other hand King had did the same. He realized he messed up and lost something good, and was no longer reacting to it.

Melanie had even taken the time to unblock King on everything. She just felt like at this point she was being childish with the whole situation. If he hit her up then she knew how not to reply. But surprisingly King did the opposite. Of course he followed Melanie back on social media but he never once liked a picture, viewed her story, or tried to message her. The same went for phone calls and text messages. Zero. It was almost like he had forgot about her.

But we all knew they couldn't forget each other. Not with the bond they had. King had waited four years to get with the girl and wasn't something he could just throw down the drain. Luckily their friends were good at supporting their break up. So when they planned stuff they made sure to tell the other that the certain person may be attending.

Except for this afternoon. Today was Deezy's little sister, Jasmine's thirteenth birthday. Her actual birthday was Monday but since she would be in school the family decided to celebrate early. Today would be part one of the party in which would be a backyard barbecue, but aloha themed. Each guest was asked to dress according to the theme.

Deezy made sure he invited everyone since the crew had been use to Jasmine. In fact the first time everybody met her was when the group decided to meet up for bowling one night on campus. Deezy had been assigned to babysit and instead of telling everyone he bought Jasmine with him. At first everybody was confused but she was considered family if she was apart of Deezy.

From that day Jasmine always worried Deezy about when she could hang back out with them. But of course Deezy explained to her that they were older so everything they did she couldn't do. But the crew made arrangements for her. So Deezy knew she would be excited to see them today. Especially the girls. You could say Jasmine kind of adored them taking that they were older than her. She followed Melanie, Breylynn, and Mariah on social media but she never stepped out her boundaries. The girls found it cute that she was like their own personal little sister.

Luckily Melanie was scheduled for a morning shift and would leave around four. Which was the same time the party started but Deezy and Mr. & Mrs. Smith understood. Even if Melanie was off she was destined to be late anyways. It was like no matter how hard she tried to leave on time something had to go wrong. But this time she was prepared. While she was getting ready for work she had laid out her outfit.

She wasn't going to go over board with the whole floral stuff and come looking like a banquet of flowers. She kept it simple with a men's tropical print shirt. Which consisted of the colors white, yellow, and black. It was a tad on the big side since Melanie accidentally got a large, but it was fine. She planned on tucking it in but also to have it hang out a little. Her shorts that she wanted to wear had became way to small for some reason so earlier this week she stopped by Forever 21 and picked up a new pair. And to match the shirt Melanie would wear some all white Vans.

Melanie found it weird that she didn't care whether King would be attending or not. And she knew for sure everyone was invited and that everyone was coming. Not to mention King's shop closed at five on Saturday's so he was definitely getting someone to close the shop for him. But she wanted to keep a positive mind. They had seen each other multiple  time since the breakup so why would today be different.

"Excuse me?" A voice called dragging Melanie out of her thoughts. Looking up from her computer Melanie eyes met with a young white women. Her hair was in a messy bun and her eyes were as blue as the ocean. On her hip was a chubby baby but Melanie couldn't make out whether it was a boy or girl so she decided to remain quiet.

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