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"Ouu Melanie! That website that you love got a fifty percent sale going on." Mariah announced running out the kitchen frantically. Her black laptop was practically glued to her hand as she rushed over to Melanie. Nearly shoving the device into her face.

It was true. The Amour Shop was having a fifty percent off sale on everything including the sale items. Melanie never really shopped on the website since things were a little on the pricey side. But whenever a sale was going on she was the first customer to reach the website. Other than that she stayed on websites like Fashion Nova, Boohoo, and another one she enjoyed was Shein.

Breathing heavily, Mariah laid the laptop on her lap and began to search. "Maybe you could find your birthday dress on here." She suggested looking up at Melanie with hopeful eyes.

Melanie's birthday was April 19th, and since it had already passed she was looking forward to celebrating this week. For her real birthday her mother and father, along with family threw her a huge cookout at their house. Melanie enjoyed the simple things for her birthday at least with family. But she liked to go a different route with her friends.

So that's why she chose to celebrate with her friends that following week. It worked out fine since everyone would be available and not to mention her favorite dj would be in town. Melanie and Dj Rel had met when Mel was only eighteen. She had finally turned the legal age to enter her local club and she was excited.

She called up Mariah and Bre who had turned eighteen way before her, and were waiting for Melanie to finally be able to come. The girls ended up having a blast. Some more than others. Melanie always had a love for music and that night Dj Rel was playing all her favorite songs. So it was only right that Melanie had her own turn up section by herself in the middle of the floor. And that night she didn't know if it was the drinks or the loudness of the music.

Dj Rel couldn't stop hisself from laughing at the young child in the middle going so hard only by herself. A mini crowd had now joined around and were cheering her on and singing along. He made the announcement that if you weren't going to turn up like her then you needed to leave.

Later on that night right before the club closed Dj Rel had stepped down and let somebody else control it while he got hisself a drink. He met Melanie there who had been there sipping her water with Mariah and Bre sitting behind her. He told her how much he enjoyed her tonight and that anytime that he was hosting she was free to come. They exchanged numbers and went their separate ways.

Over the years, he had blown up and started traveling so she hadn't seen him in years so it was only right that for her twenty-second birthday she call him up. Only problem was he wasn't available for her actual birthday but would be in town next week. Which worked out perfectly with Melanie. This Friday at The Empire Melanie and the crew, and a few others would be celebrating her birthday.

Melanie was more over excited than anything.

"You right." agreed Melanie as she tapped her index finger against her mouth as she pondered on the thought. She recalled seeing the beautiful dress on the website like two weeks ago and was really debating on if she should get it. It was a color she never tried and the design was exposing a little more than she liked, but once again it was simple at the same time. Something Melanie enjoyed.

"Well here." Mariah implied handing the laptop over to Melanie who was currently on her phone. She was scrolling through her Instagram watching people's stories. Now taking control of the laptop Melanie was met with the home page of The Amour Shop. "Look on there and see if you can find it. I think I left my wallet upstairs and I definitely need my card for this." joked Mariah as she giggled.

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