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These quiet thoughts of you been going on years now..
I saw you in the party soft lips soft spoken..
- J Cole
I tugged at the hem of my dark brown dress that was strapless but had a cupped type of effect around my breast. Although I didn't have much up there I was still in shock of how the dress stayed up majority of the night. A little annoyed I thought about just excusing myself to the bathroom and dashing for the first door in sight. But I knew how much my girls wanted me to be here with them so I would just have to suck it up.

The club was somewhat popping with the exception of a few people who just stood in the corner. As I sipped on my water which I was very angry about it costing me a good four dollars for. I wondered how my friends had drugged me out on New Years Eve instead of at home popping fireworks with my family. Right now I could've been eating BBQ while my cousins ran and played in my mothers front yard.

But no, here I was having a drunk Billy dance all up against me. Nudging the drunken guy with no rhythm off me I stood over next to Brelynn. She wore a black tight dress that hugged her curves at the bottom with a daring slit on the side. Unlike me she wore black heels that were skinny like a pencil. I almost mistaken her shoe for one earlier when I asked her for something to write with. On the other hand Maria wore a blazing red dress that was off the shoulder on the top and a pencil skirt type at the bottom. It to had hugged her little hips that she had grown over the year.

Feeling my dress try to rise up once again, I tugged it back down. I wasn't the thickest thing in the world but I guess I had enough hips and thighs for this bodycon dress I slipped into. Making that my last time fighting with my dress I decided to look around at the nightclub we were currently in. I had been in here for a good hour and didn't even get to know my surroundings. Purple LED lights that were aligned with circular lights shinned through the whole club. Giving it this deep vibe to it that fitted with the whole place. Nude color couches were placed all along the club stretching for what seemed to be miles. In front of each one was a decent size wooden table that had different patterns and colors of rectangles. On top of those table were crystal clear wine glasses next to a silver ice bucket that held your choice of liquor.

Draped behind you were black walls with sparkly diamonds on them adding a new feel to the place. Right next to your drink was something new I had never seen. The club menus glowed like a night light. If you were somewhat blind you would have definitely needed someone to read it to you.

Taking a break from dancing I sat back down on the soft couch and placed my head back. The lights were giving me a headache. The few shots I took earlier seemed to kick in from time to time. The dress I wore was giving me a harder time than school. There were rapists around every corner waiting for you to dance with them. And out of all the problems I could have had phone was dead. Leaving me to deal with only my thoughts. Something I hated.

Sensing something close or near me I opened one eye to find a man standing over me. Almost jumping to heaven I grabbed onto my chest trying to control myself.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked trying to shout over the music. This had been the dj's third time playing some of the same songs. I didn't know if everybody was trying to ignore it and just have a good time but it bothered me.

"I'm sorry. I seen you over here and I thought you had fell out or something." He answered giving me a small laugh before smiling revealing his dimple. If I wasn't on the verge of having an heart attack I would have talked to him. He stood a least around 5'10 with light skin that could have passed for white. His brown curly hair was cut into a nice fresh cut along with his trimmed eyebrows. Since the whole club was filled with purple lights tonight it was hard to make out his eyes. But his full pink lips was something I couldn't miss. He wore a nice olive green shirt that stop a lil bit before his belt. The light brown Gucci belt held his black jeans up that were tucked nicely into his clean olive green shoes. Two diamond earrings pierced his ears bringing out his face dimensions even more.

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