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10:52 a.m
Breylynn Residence

Knocking on the door Melanie rocked back and forth on her heels. She didn't think she would get a response when she unexpectedly text Breylynn this morning. But to her surprise she replied back in the next minute without a question.

Hearing the twisting of the doorknob Melanie was greeted with Breylynn. She was wrapped up in her white robe that Mel had actually purchased for her on Christmas five years ago. She was shocked she still had that thing.

"Hey Mel." Breylynn greeted sleepily as she gave her head a few pats. Yawning she pushed the door back some more so Melanie could fully enter.

Smiling back and entering Melanie responded with a soft vice. "Hey Bre. Thanks for responding earlier." Anytime Melanie entered someone's home she never knew where to go. Despite visiting a thousand and one times Melanie still stood off to the side until Bre closed the door.

Gesturing her to sit down on the couch Melanie obeyed and sat down. Breylynn soon joined too but not before opening the curtains and blinds behind them. After that she made sure to find herself a comfortable spot right next to her best friend.

"Girl that was nothing. You listen to me run my mouth all the time." She explained swatting her hand in a girl please gesture.

Melanie only giggled. She had her head down and finally decided to lift it up. Melanie had a hard time trying not to show her emotions. Especially when she was sad. It only took one thing to open the flood gates out of her eyes.

"So what's wrong?" Breylynn asked propping her fist into her right cheek. She could tell something was a little off about Melanie this morning but she wanted her to speak on it first. Just in case she was wrong.

Melanie was digging a whole into her bottom lip right now. In her head she was crying but physically she was trying to hold back. She just prayed her voice didn't crack when she tried to speak or it would be a wrap for her.

Rubbing her eyes Melanie took a deep breath and parted her lips to answer. "King came over last night and told me how he's been texting Nikki. And how he went over for diner one night, they drunk some wine, and I'm pretty sure you can guess what happened next." Her eyes got as wet as the sea, her vision became blurry, and soon the tears she had been holding back came flooding down. Even the ugly cry began to come out of her but she didn't care. She wanted to let all of this out because she knew this was the only way things were going to get better.

There was a long silence before Melanie looked up and seen Breylynn throw her hands up. "With Nikki!" She yelled laughing as she waved her hands now. She was in disbelief that King would scoop that low. "Ain't no way in hell King that dumb. Oh you gotta whip some a** Melanie and when I say whip I mean whip it good." She instructed shaking her head. "Even if you don't feel like doing it me and Mariah got it."

"No Breylynn that's what they want us to do. I'm not about to give them a show. I just really don't care anymore. If King said he loved me like he said then he wouldn't have done this." Melanie explained shrugging her shoulders as she wiped the tears away from her eyes.

"And your completely right but Melanie something telling me that Nikki's behind this. Not saying that King wasn't either. But this just smells like her written all over it." Breylynn vouched holding out her hands as if Melanie could see what she was imagining.

"It has them both written over it. Don't try to take up for him Bre. Your my friend. Your suppose to be here for me helping me get through it." Melanie argued rolling her eyes.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I totally agree with you." She acquiesced shaking her head in agreement. "I don't understand how King could just mess up something perfect with you. But a dog is a dog and you don't deserve that Mel."

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