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Nikki had woke up the next morning with the same excitement that she had the night before. In fact she had hid the test in the dresser next to the bed. She knew a pregnancy wasn't suppose to be a secret but she was remind of her and KK's perspectives on this. She on the first hand was filled with joy and was ready for the new little bundle of joy. But KK on the other hand had made it known that he didn't want another child right now.

But despite his choice Nikki was keeping her baby. Abortions were something she despised of. She understood everybody was entitled to their own decisions, but really wanted people to think before they acted. There was a life inside of you that deserved to see the world whether you were capable of raising it or not.

Rolling over Nikki blew out a deep breath of frustration slamming her hands into the sheets. She wanted her mind to stay clear of things until she figured something out. But it felt like she was constantly reminded of it. And what she tried to ignore the most was the question that remained in her head.

Wait until the father finds out?

But she had raised Trey on her for majority of his life until KK wanted to step in two years ago. Erasing her past thoughts out of her mind Nikki pushed the covers off her body. Before existing the bed her eyes roamed over to the empty space next to her where Carter should have been sleeping. Once again he had yet to come home but the sad part was that Nikki knew where he was.

With his girlfriend

See that's what she didn't understand. Carter lived a double life. A couple weeks at Nikki's house who he told Keisha, his girlfriend was only his baby mama. And a couple weeks at Keisha's apartment who he told every time that he was going only to see his son. But in reality when he did get there he started playing house with Nikki immediately.

"Wow the guys I choose to love." Nikki mumbled to herself as she swung her legs out the bed and onto the floor. Rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes she stood up and stretched.


Nikki eyes instantly opened almost popping out her sockets. She knew she wasn't crazy but it was around nine something in the morning and she was the only one in the house. Carter hadn't came in since yesterday and Trey was at school. So she was entirely confused as to why she was hearing another voice.

Normally fear would have kicked in but Nikki was so tired at this point if someone was breaking in she would help them pack her things up. She always said she wanted to get rid of some of old things around the house so maybe this was her chance.

Shaking her head at her own thoughts Nikki grabbed Trey's old honor roll trophy from elementary school from off her night stand. In the beginning she had told him multiple times that he needed to keep it in his room such it was his accomplishment, but he insisted that it stayed with her.

Wrapping her finger around it tightly Nikki looked down at the small object shocked that it was actually pretty heavy.

"This should knock them out for a little bit." She thought as she opened the door. Walking down the steps Nikki couldn't make out what the person was saying. But it did sound like they had something in their mouth meaning that they were in her kitchen. Eating her damn food that she paid for.

Sneaking around the corner Nikki eyes widened as the refrigerator door was opened with the light shinning on the perpetrator. Without thinking Nikki stepped forward and was ready to lunge the heavy object, but a scream made her stop.

"Trey!" Nikki yelled almost throwing the trophy again. Placing her hand over her chest she shook her head as she tried to calm down. "Why the hell aren't you at school?" She asked angry now that she had realized what time it was.

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