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7:42 p.m
The Shore's Family

"Will y'all stop eating like wild animals." Nikki demanded as she sat across from Carter and Trey. Both had been stuffing their face with tacos and the side of corn she had fixed. She never understood why men ate like that but then she remembered who she was talking about.

Trey and Carter. The only two men in her life that ate like savages.

Trey giggled as he grabbed a paper towel and cleaned his mouth. His mother had fussed at him earlier for not grabbing one to begin with. Not to mention he really wanted his phone back so if listening to Nikki was going to bring it quicker then so be it. Carter smacked his lips as he to wiped his face, removed his elbows from the table, and began eating his tacos.

"You like your haircut?" Carter questioned. He had been examining it since Trey had came downstairs for dinner.

"Yeah coach friend hooked me up with it." Trey explained cleaning his mouth again. Trey wasn't a picky kid so he truly didn't care how his lineup went nor looked. He was a kid doing kid things.

"That's good. It ain't that bad." Carter complimented him as he gripped his head. As much as he disliked King he couldn't knock down his hustle. The edges were clean. The line was straight. And Trey's waves looked good for the first time.

Alright they had hooked my boy up, Carter thought as he released Trey's head.

"It was nice?" He asked continuing to eat his food.

"Yeah it's nice in there. And everything would have been good if mama ain't start with the lady in there." Trey said telling on his mother.

If Trey has even much lifted his eyes towards Nikki they would have been slapped out because she was heated now. She had explained to Trey multiple times to stay out her business and to especially stop telling her business to his dad.

"Mama got into it with somebody?" Carter repeated farting his eyes towards Nikki. She had left out that she had got in any arguments with anybody at the shop.

"Trey what did I tell you?" Nikki asked through gritted teeth.

"To stop telling your business to dad." Trey answered honestly causing Carter to laugh.

"Wow I want an honest child and it backfires on me." Nikki said slapping her forehead. She loved that Trey was honest but she didn't want him being honest about her business. Especially about King.

"It's all good son. Keep telling mama business." Carter congratulated him as he patted his back. "You all done?" He wondered seeing that Trey had scooped up the last bit of corn on his plate and ate it.

"Yeah." Trey answered with a mouth full of corn.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Nikki instructed as she to finished her last taco.

"My bad."

Scooting his chair back Trey placed his dirty plate in the sink along with his fork. Coming back to the table he gulped down the last bit of Kool-aid before throwing the cup in the sink to.

"Mama my phone." He said holding out his hand.

"Look where the knifes at. And if I come in there and you on that phone late at night you can kiss it goodbye." She acknowledged knowing that Trey loved to stay up past his bed time. But Nikki wasn't about to let that go down anymore. Just because it was the summer didn't mean anything.

"Alright ma."

Rushing to the kitchen Trey found his phone and dashed upstairs. Thankfully he didn't loose his life when his socks glided against the floor. Nikki and Carter tried not to laugh but a slight giggle did escape.

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