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Soon King's black Camaro could be seen pulling into the narrow drive way. King looked around as he killed the car. He wasn't looking to see if he was being spied on or anything but just to simply see his surroundings. He noticed that two lights were on in the house. One being upstairs and one being downstairs in what he assumed was the living room. And like she had said Nikki's blue Honda was parked in the driveway. But a tad bit to close to the garage.

Pulling his keys out the ignition King placed them in his pocket. He grabbed his phone and his half drunken water and existed the car. He shut the door behind him and wanted to walk but for some reason his legs didn't want to budge. Suddenly he felt his phone vibrate in his hand. Glancing at it he noticed it was Melanie.

Mines ❤️

If that wasn't the the three letter word that made King want to skurt out of Nikki's driveway right now then he didn't know what would. It was almost as if he was starting to realize how stupid this whole situation was. And that if he really claimed to dislike Nikki so much then what was he still doing here.

He looked between the message and Nikki's house and really for the first time started to think. Something he hadn't done this whole time. This whole situation to be honest.

And yet what did he do?

Nothing chilling at my people's  house   7:23 p.m

And just like that King knew he had already messed up. Putting his phone away King started up the driveway until he seen four circle bricks that led him to the door. Nervously he stood at the front door trying to build up enough courage to actually knock on the door.

It was late. The sun had set and now the sky turned black and the stars and moon provided it's light. Nobody seemed to be out in this neighborhood except for one man King had passed by who was on the phone outside. But the rest of the neighborhood remained quiet. And yet it felt like King's heart could be heard miles away. Thumping. Just thumping until it felt like it was about to explode.

"Hey King." The voice exclaimed greeting him. Immediately King snapped out his day dream realizing that he didn't even know that he had knocked on the door. There she was. Nikki. She had her real hair in a tight ponytail that rested at the top of her head. A black robe was wrapped around her body and black and gold sparkly slippers were on her feet. A diamond bracelet was on her right arm. She held the tie of her robe in her hand. She seemed to be out of breath and startled as if she wasn't expecting someone

"Hey Nikki." King said dryly. He stuck his hands in his pockets and avoided eye contact with her. The last thing he wanted was for Nikki to think he was checking her out.

"Wanna' come in?" She asked jokingly seeing that King was just standing there awkwardly. She stepped aside and opened the door a bit.

"My bad." He responded laughing as he stepped into her house. Surprisingly King didn't know what to expect but Nikki's decorating skills were pretty decent. When you first walked in you were met with the living room with the color schemes of white, silver, and black. There was a white furry rug that a black modern couch sat on top of it. A clear coffee table sat in the middle with silver decorations, and a few pictures frames. There was a black love seat next to the couch also. And a flat screen tv sat high up on the wall.

Aside from the interior King could smell a pleasing aroma in the air. He couldn't put his finger on what it was, but he knew who ever had gotten a plate of that must have ate good.

"You can take a seat on the couch if you like." She suggested closing the door. If you could see Nikki right now she would look like a little school girl. Cheesing because their crush was in the same room with them.

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