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↗︎ Please note that this is a fictional book meaning that cities, places, things, and even legal events aren't real.  Meaning legal things are handled differently in the real world. In this book this how the following characters will obtain their legal documents. Yes I know that this is probably not how you actually do this in real court system, but this how I wanted it to go in the city of EAST SIDE.


Civil Division of East Side City Court
8:27 a.m

"Next please."

King released his hands from out of his front pockets as he approached the desk. Honestly he had never cared much for the downtown area. Judging from its busy attire everyone followed. But today he had sucked it up and found his way to the City Court.

"Good morning." He greeted easing the tension that floated in the air like a thick aroma. King never quite understood why the employees seemed so uptight and strict.

"Same to you." The fairly older lady replied never looking up from her computer screen. From her demeanor she seemed to be around her forties or mid fifties. If King had to say it looked like she had worked this job for years, and had no time to play. She was dressed causal as her red finger nails clicked away on the keyboard. "What can I help you with?" She asked but more in a rehearsed tone.

"I wanted to know how do I go about filing a restraining order." answered King causing the women's eyes to finally meet his.

I guess that woke her up.

Fixing her glasses up her nose she clicked around on her computer first before responding. "Will this restraint be against a family member or for anyone else you may know?" She wondered raising her straight eyebrows.

"For an ex-girlfriend." replied King releasing a breath. He found it crazy how things had led up to this. Sometimes he wished he would have never fell for Nikki back then. But he looked at it as a lesson of growing. King believed everyone was put in your life for a reason, season, or time. He didn't know which category she belonged in, but he was starting to see just that.

"Mhmm." She mumbled tapping her the mouse. "An LPOR O is what you'll be filing today. This is the form you'll fine against anyone who isn't a family member." She paused reaching over and grabbing a folder. Pulling out a white sheet of paper King watched as she slid it in front of him. "I'll need you to provide the abusive party's name, address and relationship to you, as well as the form of abuse you experienced. This can range from stalking, threats, or physical beatings." She explained tapping the pen against each line.

"Okay." King said shaking his head.

Looking over the paper the women handed over the pen. Fixing the pen inside his hand to write King filled out the first line. Nikki Shore, was the name he wrote for abusive party's. 1634 Pineoak Dr, for the address. Ex-girlfriend, as the relationship. Possibility of drugging me and taking advantage of me and constant stalking, as the form of abuse.

"And in order for it to go into effect you must sign down at bottom in front of me." She noted writing something down on a sticky note near by.

Signing his signature King returned the paper and pen to the clerk's hands. Scanning over it the clerk acknowledged that everything was filled out. "There is a fee of $142.50 but you won't be noted to pay these fines. If the court grants your order then the party will be responsible for the cost. Your order will be submitted for review by the judge. If approved, the judge will grant you a temporary restraining order and schedule a hearing within 30 days. A clerk will have the sheriff deliver a copy of your petition and TRO to the defendant, and notify them of the scheduled hearing. At the hearing, you'll have an opportunity to explain why the order is necessary and present witnesses to testify on your behalf. If the judge grants your request for the restraining order, it will be in effect for 18 months, but the judge can decide on a different duration, or you can request an extension later if you feel one is necessary. The judge can also order that certain terms will not expire."

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