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"Text me when you make it back home Mel." King instructed as he leaned in the drivers window of Melanie's car. After enough laps around the Speedy Track and a couple rounds of miniature golf, well maybe a hour since the two didn't know what they were doing. Melanie and King had finally made it back to his place and were whipped.

King needed to get to the shop before close to make sure everything had ran smoothly. Not that he didn't trust his employees he was just making sure his name was still in tact. On the other hand, Melanie had a long night shift headed her way. She had switched shifts with Brooke so she could attend her cousins birthday dinner. At first Melanie was going to give her a foreshore no but she remembered how many shifts Brooke had took for her in the past.

"I will King." Melanie reminded him as she turned the notch up on the air conditioner. Despite it almost being the last afternoon the summer heat was still attacking everyone. It was getting so bad that sometimes Melanie was starting to see why her grandmother would only sleep with a sheet in the summer, and then switch back to her normal comforter in the winter.

"Give me a kiss." He said puckering up his lips for Melanie's. But instead he was met with her hand shoving his face away. King's face immediately mugged her as he wondering why he wasn't feeling Melanie lips right now.

"Not after you then downed that nasty green drink." Melanie cringed shaking her head at the remembrance of him even drinking it. Earlier King had stopped for gas and asked Mel if she wanted anything from inside. She answered with, just something to drink. Anything with cranberry in it. So King did just that he bought her a Ocean Spray Cran-Grape and hisself a V8 healthy greens.

Melanie was entirely confused as she watched him come back to the car with it. Personally she had never seen King drink it but she rested on not questioning him. But she did watch in disgust as he gulped it down on their way home.

"Don't play with me." smirked King as he grabbed Melanie's chin and pulled her to him. She couldn't help but smile as her eyes roamed King's lips. Taking that she was listening King kissed her before releasing her.

"Next time you grab on me like that we're going to fight." warned Melanie as she placed the car in reverse but making sure to hold the brake.

"The next thing I'll be grabbing is that puff. So don't be talking big when you know you not living like that." King joked laughing at his own corney joke.

"Whatever. Move up out my window." replied Melanie laughing too as she waited for King to move out the way.

"I love you." proclaimed King as he stepped back from Melanie's moving car. Still watching in back of her Melanie waited till she had completed backed out before relaying back the same words.

"I love you too."

And with that she placed the car in drive but before driving off she made sure King could see her waving him goodbye. It took him a couple seconds for his eyes to see through her tinted windows but soon he waved back as her car zoomed off.

Deciding not to use her aux cord on the ride back home Melanie chose to listen to the radio. Something she never did. If she didn't use her aux cord then she used her headphones as she drove. Music in her car was a must even if she was on a emergency run music needed to be played.

Luckily the good radio station was on that actually played songs people wanted to hear. Turning up the volume a bit, Talk by Khalid began to blast through the speakers of her car. Melanie didn't know the words to this song either but could sing the hell out of the chorus, and only the chorus.

Watching the traffic Melanie waited until the road was clear enough for her to pull out and merge into the left lane. As she continued down the street Khalid had began the chorus but suddenly Melanie's phone started to ring.

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