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"Happy, happy birthday today's the day for you. Happy, happy birthday from the celebration crew!"

Breylynn rocked along to the little jingle as she recorded her mother laughing away. Today her beautiful mother had turned fifty-four years young and couldn't have looked any better. And Bre would top her night off with a surprise dinner at the towns best seafood restaurant Shaun's.

In the beginning Breylynn thought it would be impossible to trick her mother into coming out. But with a little help from her aunts and her step dad they were able to pull it off. Despite her mother hating surprises and whopping Breylynn a little bit she was overall grateful. Grateful that God had blessed her to even wake up, and so happy he added an extra year to her life.

As the celebration crew, aka servers walked away Breylynn joined along side of her mother as they hugged yet again. "I hope you enjoyed yourself mom." Breylynn cooed giving her mother a tight squeeze.

"How could I not baby? Look at this beautiful dinner you put together." She exclaimed as she looked around at the balloons and all the people that had gathered tonight just for her. "Not only that but you got all my friends, siblings, and everybody else to come out. And let's not forget about the gifts. I've done more than enjoyed myself." She reassured her planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Oh yeah about the scarf I actually rented that from Melanie so I'll need that back by Monday." Breylynn joked referring to the Burberry scarf she had purchased.

"Girl! I almost called you something." She warned giving Bre's back a small pat. "Well tell Melanie I said thank you for her gift too."

"I'm the one that helped her pick out that Coach purse so don't be to h-."

"Me and Ronda go way back. Oh way back." Someone sung causing everyone to turn their necks towards the unfamiliar sound. Breylynn's eyes seemed to be first to land on the mysterious person. There stood a tall, fair-skinned man rocking to the rhythm of whatever he sung. A few faces of her family members scrunched in hopes of trying to remember who the hell he was.

"Randy?" Her mother questioned eyes almost budging out of their socket. "Randy Harris?" She asked a smile slowly starting to form across her face as she walked towards him. Her arms were opened wide enough for Randy to jump in.

"In the flesh." He joked laughing exposing his gap. The two soon collided rocking each other back and forth as they giggled. "Happy birthday girl!" He congratulated her pulling hisself away.

"Breylynn you didn't tell me you invited Randy! How did you even find him?" She wondered waving her hand at Bre.

At first Breylynn had to search around the restaurant to see if she was talking to her. She had never seen this man a day in her life let alone invited him to the dinner. Looking over at her step father, who wore a confused look too. "Mom, no offense Randy." She started pointing towards him. "Um I didn't invite him." She laughed also.

"I seen your brother Gabe post you on his Facebook this morning. I had completely forgot i followed him until now. I messaged him and he told me about your dinner." Randy explained looking over at Breylynn and her step father.

"Gabe didn't even tell me he posted me." She shook her head at her ignorant brother but in the end it was all love. "Well Randy I want you to meet my husband Chris. Chris this is Randy my best friend since elementary." She explained grabbing Randy by the hand and leading him over to Chris.

"It's nice to meet you." Randy started holding out his hand.

"It's nice to meet you too. You live out here?" Chris questioned trying to make small talk while everyone continued to do their own things.

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