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"See this was all I asked for?" Mocked Nikki as she slipped a grape into her mouth. Her legs had began to cramp up from sitting in the cris crossed position, but she didn't want to complain. In fact she didn't want to say anything but when it came to Carter her mouth seemed to slip.

"Nikki don't start." Carter warned side eyeing her as he to ate a grape. He didn't feel like arguing either but he knew Nikki mouth was smart. But he had spent five years with it so it didn't bother him now. "I make time for my family when I can. It's not like your job where you can say hey boss I need to take of this that and that. The plant is seven days a week." He explained watching Trey who was throwing the football with another kid in the park.

He had planned a family picnic in a sense for Nikki and Trey today. It was the one day he had off in weeks and he couldn't have thought of a better way to spend it then with them. But Nikki always had to find a way to make him seem like a bad person.

"Do you hear how you sound?" She questioned him intrigued by his answer now that she had let it settle in. She wasn't asking for the moon and back, but what she was asking for was her family back.

Frankly, she was torn between what she wanted to do. One moment she wanted this beautiful picture perfect family with Carter. And of course she wanted Trey to have a better relationship with his father. But then on the other hand she still wanted continue that fling she had back then with King. She felt as if she deserved a second chance. A second chance to get him back. But she knew that his head was to far up Melanie rear end for him to even notice her.

Barely competition, Nikki thought to herself as she finally stretched her legs out.

"Sound like what Nikki? Lord!" Carter complained scrunching his face together. He was growing tired of her constant nagging but something made him stay.

"I make time for my family when I can." Nikki mimicked Carter's words as she rolled her eyes. Sometimes Nikki thought to herself how she had gotten herself into all this drama. From having Trey, cheating on King with his best friend, and being in an on and off relationship with the same best friend.

"What we not about to do is argue. If you wanna' do that later then fine by me. But right now I'm trying to enjoy a day out with my family." Carter acknowledged opening the container that held the Mac and cheese. Scooping hisself out some he placed it on the paper plate and began eating.

"And hear we go again brushing thing underneath the rug." Nikki mumbled knowing she was testing hot waters.

Carter wanted to speak on things so bad but he knew it was no ending to Nikki's nagging when it came to him. "Yeah let's brush how you still in love with the same dude you cheated on. Don't think I forgot about him being at the house." He warned lifting up his eyebrow as he squinted out into the park watching Trey.

"Ain't nobody worried about King." She lied scratching her head. "I'm tired of telling you what happened. He came over to get the money I owed him and that was that. He got mad probably over the same old shit. We had it out and he left." She further explained knowing she was lying to Carter but not only him but herself.

"That's probably what you want me to believe Nikki. But let's not forget that I know you like a book. Plus I know the same shit you did to him you'll do it to me." He spoke honestly looking up at her.

Nikki was speechless. Her eyelashes only flickered at him as she continued to look at the ground. Could he be right? She wondered to herself. But it had to be a lie. She knew what she wanted and that was her happy ending with Carter and Trey. The only thing she felt like she needed from King was closure.

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