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babe 🥰💋    now
Did you make it to your appointment?

Melanie felt the buzz of her phone in between her legs causing her to jump a little. Pulling the phone from out underneath her leg she smiled as she read the text.

Yeah I was late tho lol 10:54 a.m

Replying quickly Melanie slipped it back into it's current position. Hearing the twisting of the doorknob she perked up, placing her hands in front of her.

"Melanie!" Dr. Janes greeted excitedly waving her hands in the air. Her family had became good friends with her and had invited her to many functions. Same went with Dr. Janes she made sure she invited Melanie's entire family to her tailgate parties.

They were the best if Melanie had to judge.

"Hi Dr. Janes." She replied laughing at the 5'8, brown skinned women dancing. It was the simple reasons that Melanie enjoyed about her visits.

"How are you today?" She asked pulling out the chair that sat next to the desk. Sitting down she opened up the manila folder and scanned the nurses notes.

"I'm good." Melanie simply replied giving her a slight smile.

"That's good hunny. Still going to school to be a doctor?" She wondered looking up at her. To say Dr. Janes was in her mid fifty the lady still had it going on.

"Yes ma'am I'm actually leaving for medical school in a month or two." Melanie answered swinging her feet back and fort. For a second Melanie had forgot about medical school. She was excited and scared at the same time. On one hand she was ready for the next step in her life, but she knew this was going to being one of the toughest.

"I'm so excited for you Melanie. I know you have a smart head on those shoulders so your going to do great. And if you need any help you let me know okay?"

"Sure thing." Melanie cheesed.

"Now let's talk about your notes." Dr.Janes began. "Your height is still the same 5'6. Still not allergic to anything so that's good. No surgeries in the past six months. Medications are getting a refill today. Do you still need more Ibuprofen?" She asked taking a glance up from the folder.

"Yeah I could use another one." She answered shaking her head up and down.

"Are the cramps still bad?" Dr. Janes wondered writing down something quickly.

"Sometimes but most of the time there bearable."

As she listened Dr. Janes paused for a second. "You aren't on birth control either right?" She questioned.

"No ma'am."

"And your sexually active correct?" She asked noting Melanie's answers.


"Okay well birth control might be something you may want to consider after-."

Suddenly there was a gentle knock on the door. Both women heads turned toward the sound. Dr. Janes knowing who it was got out of her seat first and walked towards the door. Melanie watched as she continued to swing her feet. Opening the door Melanie recognized the nurse from before and gave her a fake smile as she looked in.

"Thank you Jayla." Dr. Janes thanked as she closed the door. She now held a white paper in her hand. Her eyes roamed across the words quickly and soon her eyebrows shot up. Melanie noticed and soon her heart started to pound a little faster.

"Alright so do you want the good news first or the good news?" Dr. Janes inquired placing the piece of paper in the folder. As she waited for Melanie answer she decided to take a seat.

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