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Wednesday , 2:31 p.m

"We're not getting Takis so you can put that back." Melanie told Mariah who was holding a large bag of the chips. Although Melanie loved hot chips she was really trying to stay off it. Internal bleeding was something that she wasn't trying to get.

"Speak for yourself." Breylynn spoke budging into the the conversation. She placed two packs of pecan shortbread cookies in the basket before grabbing the bag out of Mariah's hand. "It hasn't killed you yet so why worry now?" She questioned.

"Because." Melanie started as she came around the basket. Picking up the large bag of chips temptation immediately hit her. "I may not see what it's doing to me on the outside but on the inside that's a whole different story."

"Here Dr.Spears go." Mariah complained resting her elbow against the shelf.

Melanie had a habit of already thinking she was a doctor. She truly wanted to be a pediatrician so in the times where she could sneak in a little medical information, people tended to be annoyed. But it had no effect on Melanie she actually found it funny.

"Don't get her started." Breylynn added giggling to herself. "What's else on the list though Mel?" She asked leaning against the basket also.

Mel who was also slumped against the basket scanned over the list. "We need: ground beef, chicken wings, Doritos, juice, and some candy for Deezy cavity having self." listed Mel as she put the list down.

"Cavitiessss?" Mariah said mocking the iconic Soulja Boy interview. "The one who had to go the dentist and get eight feelings." pondered Mariah.

"Y'all got jokes I see." Melanie said rolling her eyes. As annoying as her friends were she had to admit at times they were the funniest people to her.

Laughing to themselves the girls existed the aisle and headed to the meat department of the store. They picked over the different packs of chicken wings until they found one that was suitable to their liking. Breylynn decided to add another pack since she knew how the boys could eat. Melanie grabbed the ground beef and placed it in the basket too.

"Y'all I think I wanna' make the rotel." Melanie suggested to the group. She wore a big smile almost as if she was a kid asking their parent for something they wanted.

"Are you crazy?" Mariah asked.

"I'm good I'll eat at home." Breylynn added holding her hands up in the air.

"Really?" Melanie asked aggravated. This happened every time she spoke of cooking. And why? Well to be honest Melanie wasn't the best cook. In fact the girl couldn't cook at all. If it wasn't something she could throw in grease or microwave then she was in trouble. Which explained her unhealthy eating habits of fast food and junk food.

And I know your probably wondering, well how do we know Melanie can't cook. Welp lets just say Melanie thought of cooking was "heat cooks food so put it on the stove and wait for it to turn a color."

Now you see why we'll pass.

"It ain't nothing but cooking the ground beef, add the cheese, and the stuff out the can." Melanie listed trying to make them understand the motive of how easy it was.

"Wow! The stuff out the can." Breylynn said lowly with widened eyes.

"You doing to much." Melanie pointed out Breylynn who only laughed.

"Now if we let you do this Mel you have to make sure you cook everything throughly." Maria explained holding onto Melanie shoulders. Melanie was rather taller than Mariah so it was a little reach for her.

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