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Melanie had been confused the whole afternoon after that text. Well at least that what she told her self to feel. To feel confusion instead of anger; since she had to right to feel that way. It had been hours since she texted King back and he had yet to respond. She wanted to blame the shop for taking his attention but that wasn't like King. No matter what he was doing he found a way to sneak in time for her.

But right now was different.

Glancing at her phone Melanie wished it lighted up with King's contact across it but instead it remained black. As black as the night sky. Frustrated Melanie hopped off the couch and made her way to the kitchen. She secretly rolled her eyes at his shoes that still remained at the front door.

Men are really aggravating, She thought to herself as she opened the refrigerator. Her eyes roamed in hunger trying to find a snack to fulfill her stomach but the smacking of her lips answered her questione

"I really need to go grocery shopping." She mumbled to herself as she closed the refrigerator door.

On sync there was a knock at her door. Scrunching her eyebrows at the sound Melanie looked up at the wall clock above her television. It wrongly read 10:23 p.m but in reality it was actually 9:23. She had been meaning to change it back to the correct time but it always seemed to slip her mind.

Blowing her breath Melanie put aside the thought of who it could be and just simply decided to surprise herself. Dragging herself towards the door Melanie yawned as she reached the door.

"Who it?" She asked sluggishly stretching her arms out.

"It's me."

Melanie eyes immediately looked up at the door before letting them roll to the back of her head. Of course the minute she started to discuss him he decided to show up. She guessed the saying of speak of the devil and he shall appear was true. Except just more of King except the devil.

Opening the door Melanie locked eyes with him. His hands were tucked in his Adidas sweatpants. Trailing her eyes up he wore an olive green shirt with a bunch of cartoon characters Melanie hadn't seen in her life.

"What are you doing here King?" She asked.

"Dang! Can I get a hey babe? Or how you doing. You just come to the door with-."

"What do you want King?" She repeated.

Smacking his lips King entered without Melanie say so. She was shocked but she expected that King wasn't going to go away so she simply closed the door behind him.

"If this is about me not texting you back I was working. But I did want to talk." King protested breaking the silence in the room.

Melanie stood there. Honestly she didn't know what she was feeling. One she was hungry and nothing in her house really caught her eyes. Two yeah she was a little upset that he didn't text back but it really didn't bother her. And third she desperately wanted to take a nap but she still remained awake somehow.

Blowing out of breath of fresh air Melanie spoke. "I'm not mad. I'm just tired."  She shrugged her shoulders at her own words. Right now she just wanted some food and a nap and maybe just then she could wrap her head around what King had texted her earlier.

"You had a long day with your mother?" He questioned walking towards her and grabbing her hand. Obeying Melanie let him lead her to the couch where he made her sit on his lap with her feet laying across the couch.

"Yeah after breakfast we went to the mall and all that walking wore me out." Melanie explained leaning over and grabbing the remote.

"No that's just because your out of shape. I told you to stop eating all that junk." King implied earning a nudge from her.

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