It was the end of the day and I had to walk home as my dad had work, and my mum was at home and we only had one car. I was worried about walking home as i didn't know my way home very well. I just had maths, which luckily Sal was in my class. We walked down the corridor, with me carrying a huge pile of new text books and books. I received that many I had no room left in my bag. I was struggling to carry them all, and Sal noticed that. He began to lightly laugh as he could tell I was mere seconds away from dropping them.
"Do you want help?" He asked with a smile.
"I got them" I lied. I took one more step and they began to overflow from my hands. Sal quickly reached out and caught them before they hit the floor. He carried them for me, which was really sweet of him.
"So are you walking home?" Sal asked me, as we trailed through the crowds in the hallway.
"Yep, are you?" I asked him, as we approached the double doors, leading towards outside.
"Yeah. So, Where do you live?" Sal asked, opening the door for me.
"Rose Lane" I answered. I turned to Sal who was walking beside me to see him smile.
"Same. I live in 236" he told me.
"I live in 224" i told him.
"Thats opposite my house" he told me. "There we go, we can walk together" he said with a smile.
"Thank god, i have no idea where im going" i told him with a laugh.
as we were approaching the gates to leave school, somebody ran up behind Sal and said.
"I thought you were gonna wait for me" he said. I turned to see who it was, Q.
"Sorry bud" Sal said.
"Anyway, I was wondering if you'd like to come round to my place tonight and play video games" Q asked Sal.
"Umm, sure. Ill have to ask my mom first" Sal replied. "Anyway Q, remember Emily?" Sal asked, pointing to me. Q smiled at me kindly and waved.
"Im Q" he told me. "Do you like video games?" Q asked me.
"Im not good at them, but they are quite fun, I guess" i replied.
"Your welcome to join us if you'd like" Q offered.
"Ill ask my mum first" i said.
"Mum?" Q said, with a confused expression. "Oh yeah, your from the UK" he remembered. I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah she is. She also lives really close to me" Sal told me.
"Which means your about 3 blocks away from me" Q said to me. "So, do you like comics?" Q asked.
"I like Spider-Man comics and some of superman" i replied. Q suddenly got really excited and ran over to walk beside me.
"I HAVE LOADS!" Q told me, grabbing them from his bag.
"Wow! I haven't got any anymore. They had to be thrown away before we moved here" i said to him.
"Here" he said, handing me 3 Spider-Man comics. "Have these" he told me with a smile.
"No i cant-" i began.
"I insist. Ive read them millions of times" Q said.
"You should feel honoured. He never gives away comics" Sal told me, playfully nudging my arm.
"Thank you" i said to him, adding them to the stack of books i already have.We eventually reached Q's house. He waved goodbye to me and Sal, as we continued to walk. When we reached my house, we both weren't ready to say goodbye. We still wanted to talk as we were learning lots about each other. We stood face to face, outside my front door.
"So i guess I'll see you tomorrow" I said to him with a smile.
"I guess. Do you want me to knock for you in the morning??" Sal asked. I looked at him with a smile.
"Id love that" i answered. He smiled with a look of relief, as if he was nervous asking.
"Oh, these are yours" he told me, handing my books that he kindly carried for me. I took them from him and opened up the front door. He smiled and waved at me, and I waved back. As soon as i closed the door, i ran to the front door to see him walking across the road.
"What are you looking at?" My mum asked, which made me jump.
"Nothing" i said with a smirk. I slumped down on the sofa beside her.
"How was your first day?" She asked.
"Alright i guess" i answered.
"Did you meet any friends?" She asked me.
"Yeah. I met four, and one of them is really kind. He walked me home and shown me around" i told her.
"He? Whats his name" she asked.
"Sal" i answered. "I better get started on my homework" i said, running up stairs.And from that day, me and Sal have been best friends...

Right In Front Of Me...
FanfictionEmily and Sal met in high school and have been best friends ever since! This book shows the journey, from High school to present time, of their friendship. Emily and Sal have been through so much together and were practically inseparable! They both...