Chapter 49

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"W-what?" I stuttered.
"Yep. Two months!" She informed me. "I suppose congratulations are in order!" She added with a smile. I just nodded and made my way out of doctors. As I walked home I placed my hands over my stomach. 'What if Sal leaves me? I dint even know if he wants kids?! What if I have to become a single parent?!' These thoughts began to make me cry as I never knew how he'd react. I wasn't going to tell him over the phone, I'll wait until he comes home tomorrow.

The next day I woke up. I was dreading Sal's arrival. I had no idea how to say it. I could just picture him leaving me. I couldn't stop myself from crying. Me and Sal haven't talked about having a family before. But I knew I couldn't hide this from him! I heard the door knock and I knew it was Sal. I wiped away my tears and opened up the door.
"Babe! I'm home" he said, showering me with kisses, and pulled me into a long hug. My muscles relaxed under the presence of his. He gave such warm hugs, I felt safe in his arms.
"Uh.. Sal" I stuttered. "Can I talk to you?" I asked.
"Sure" he replied.
"You may want to sit down" I said, walking towards the sofa.
"What is it Em? Your kinda scaring me" he said with a nervous laugh.
"I have big news" I said. My tears began filling my eyes.
"Em, are you oaky?" He asked, placing his hand on my knee. I held onto his hand.
"I'm..I'm pregnant" I revealed. Sal smiled widely at me.
"This is amazing!!!!" He shouted. "I'm...I'm going to be a dad!!" He said, over the moon.
"Wait... your not mad? Your not going to leave me??" I asked him. We stood up facing each other.
"Why would I do that?? I've been wanting a family with you for ages!!" He said. He pulled me in for a hug and kissed my lips once again. He placed his hand on my stomach.
"That's my son or daughter in there" he said with joy presented on his face. My tears vanished and was replaced with a warm smile. "I'm going to be a dad..." he whispered with joy.

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