Chapter 99

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"What are you doing here??" I asked him.
"The flights got cancelled due to the rain. And I couldn't bare to be without my family" he explained. "Plus it would mean I'd miss your birthday tomorrow" Sal added with a smirk.
"Oh god I forgot about that" I whined.
"Well I think your gonna love my main present" Sal told me.
"I already have everything I need right here" I told him with a smile.

The next morning I woke up bright and early with Scarlett and Sal beside me.
"Happy Birthday!!" They both screamed.
"Thank you" I said with a laugh.
"Can you open your gifts now?!" Scarlett begged. I nodded as she handed me one from her.
She made me a homemade jewellery box.
"It's gorgeous I love it" I said as I gave her a big hug.
"Mad this gives with it" Sal said as he handed me his gift. It was a rose gold bracelet.
"It's stunning!!" I squealed as I admired it.
"Well that's actually not your main gift. You have to get changed and I can take you to your main present"

After we were ready, Sal drove us down to my work. I held Scarlett's hand as Sal pushed the pram.
"Ta da!" Sal exclaimed as we stood outside of the building where I worked.
"I don't get it" I said with confusion. I looked at the entrance which had a red bow stuck to it.
"This is your main present" Sal said with a smirk.
"What?!" I asked.
"Well you've always said how you have wanted your own business. Therefore I have bought the business of the previous owners. The other day I saw the presentation you prepared for Jim and saw how they were going to sell this place. So I talked to Jim and he sold it to me. So Emily Vulcano... welcome to your new business" Sal revealed. I jumped up and down with excitement.
"This is amazing!!!" I said as I threw my arms around him.

Jim soon walked up beside him.
"So I guess you've found out!" Jim said with excitement. "You own the business but we are equal managers" Jim explained.
"I can't believe it!! This is he best birthday ever!!"

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