The next morning I woke up bright and early in my hotel room. The orange glow bursting through the window. I turned over in bed, forgetting Sal wasn't going to be beside me. I was definitely missing him; and Scarlett and Connor. As much as I'm loving it here in Brooklyn, being without them is really hard.
I got up and got changed ready for work. I heard my phone ring, so I ran up to it, all hopes that it was Sal... but it was Jim. I answered it.
"Hello" I answered disheartened.
"You okay?" Jim asked.
"Yeah.. I was just hoping it was Sal ringing" I sighed.Meanwhile, Sal just woke up and turned over to his side, his hand roaming he bed where I used to sleep. He sighed to himself then picked up the phone to ring me.
"Number you dialled is engaged" the phone informed Sal, because I was on the phone at the same time as Jim ring me. "Leave a message at the tone".
"Hey Em.. its Sal. Ring me back later".As soon as I got off the phone with Jim I saw I had one missed call from Sal. I listened to his voicemail as I walked to work. I left him a quick text, then walked into work. I was again greeted by Jim, whom had a cup of coffee waiting for me.
"Good morning" he said, as he handed me the coffee and walked me over to the desk.
"Thank you, and good morning" I replied.
"I have some exciting news for you today. You have your first author you need to advise. I have a manuscript for you to read, then later, you and the author will talk through their book. I have to sit with you just to make sure your doing it right, and to help you.. if you need it" Jim informed me. A huge smile formed on my face.
"I can't wait!"And with that, I spent the whole morning reading their manuscript, highlighting parts to edit. It was a truly good romance novel, but needed some tweaking... and that's where I come in!
The afternoon soon rolled round, as me and Jim entered the conference room, to be met with the author. I introduced myself and began to explain the points I'd change.
"I like the story, but maybe the two main characters could be he focus. You want your readers to fall in love with your characters" I explained.
"I understand" the author replied with a smile.
"Put yourself in your characters shoes. When you finally meet your soulmate- and your life picks up from there. No matter where you both are in the world- together or apart... your hearts still belong together" I said, thinking about Sal.After the meeting Jim congratulated me.
"Your way better than most of the workers here!! You have a talent!" Jim said to me. "Tell you want! Have the rest of the day off" he awarded me.
"Thank you" I said with a smile, as I packed up my things.I went back to the hotel room, the gentle pitter patter of rain tapping the window. I stared intently at pictures of Connor, Scarlett and Sal as my heart warmed to the sight of them. With that- I impulsively got a cab to take me home, just for the night. The rain gradually grew heavier. I didn't tell Sal I was coming home. It was a surprise.
As the cab rolled up to my house I quickly paid him and ran up to the door. I knocked gently in it, as the rain fell on me. Sal answered, completely shocked I was there. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a soft kiss.

Right In Front Of Me...
FanfictionEmily and Sal met in high school and have been best friends ever since! This book shows the journey, from High school to present time, of their friendship. Emily and Sal have been through so much together and were practically inseparable! They both...