Chapter 75

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"Really?!" Sal said excitedly to me, with a huge grin.
"Definitely! I want nothing more than a family with you!" I exclaimed. Sal picked me up and twirled me around. As the tips of my toes landed on the ground, Sal placed a tender kiss onto my lips.

Me and Sal walked hand in hand back into the garden. Bessy and Tanya could tell with the smile displayed on our faces that me and Sal were going to try for another baby, however we weren't planning on telling anyone else yet.
I sat beside Sal, as our parents began talking to us. I could tell Sal was desperate to tell them our good news, but I begged him not to.

That night, I tucked up into bed and watched Sal as he packed up a few things ready for tour. He was explaining all the plans he has for our future son/ daughter and I couldn't help but smile at him.
"And luckily we have a spare room for our baby boy or girl. And Scarlett will have a brother or sister!! I'm soo excited!" He said, as he rolled into bed beside me.
"I have to ask.." Sal began.
"What?" I asked with a smirk.
"Would you hope it's a boy or girl?" Sal asked me.
"I'm not telling you that! I'd be happy wether we have another daughter or a son!" I said to him. But now I was growing a curiosity to what he wanted to have. "What about you??" I asked.
"I'm not telling you that!" He mocked. He pulled me in closer to him. "I love you so much" he whispered softly into my ear as I drifted off to pleasant sleep dreaming of our life together.

A few weeks later.....
Sal was leaving for tour tonight, but today was the day I took my pregnancy test. I paced around the bathroom for a good two minutes waiting for the results. I had told Sal that I was taking it today, and he couldn't wait either. Finally the two minutes was over. I peered over to the pregnancy test....

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