Chapter 81

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"Well if that's what you want then do it!" Sal said calmly. I looked at him with a confused reaction due to his sudden calming tone.
"What?" I asked in total confusion.
"Maybe you should stay ere for a week and trial the job out. I can look after Scarlett and I'll pay for your hotel" Sal explained. "Maybe if you enjoy this then we can think about moving" He added, with a sympathetic tone.
"Really?! I'm meeting you with Jim later, so I can see if that's okay" I smiled.
"Whatever makes you happy" Sal and told me with a smile.
"Thanks babe" I said as I wrapped my arms around him.

As soon as 1am rolled around, I dressed smart- casual, as I awaited for Jim to pick me up. Sal was sat peacefully with Scarlett in the living room, as I kept taking deep breaths. He set Scarlett down in her stroller then walked up to me.
"You'll  be fine" he reassured me.
"But what if..." I stressed.
"Em... you'll be just fine. They will love you". And just as Sal ended his sentence, there was a knock at the door. Bare in mind I have never seen Jim in person, and I have only spoke to him over the phone. I opened the door to see a tall guy, with a shirt and jeans with a smile and brown hair.
"I'm Jim.. and you must be Emily right?" He asked. I took a sigh of relief and smiled. He was definitely kind, and had a very warm smile.
"That's me" I said. "And this is my husband Sal, and my daughter Scarlett" I said pointing to them both. "And one on the way" I chuckled.
"It's very nice to meet you all" Jim said warmly to us.

When we got to the restaurant, me and Jim sat opposite each other. He cracked a few jokes and explained to me how everything works.
"Obviously you know our branch is in Brooklyn" he reminded me.
"Yep" I said, whilst nodding.
"Which means it would be easier for you to move- but you could travel to work and home each day" Jim explained.
"Is the offer for me to trial still available?" I asked. 
"Definitely!!" Jim said with thrill in his voice. "We pay for everything" he added.
"Can I just ask one thing?" I asked, as he nodded. "I've been thinking about this job for near enough eight months... why haven't you asked anyone for the job??" I asked.
"Because we want you! You have more expertise in this field of work than anyone else! We've been told your kind and funny and that's the exact person we are looking for!" Jim explained. "So do we have a deal?" He asked.
"Definitely!" I answered. "When can I begin my trial?" I asked.
"As soon as you'd like!" Jim explained.

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