The next morning, Sal was already dressed for work, and sat beside me on the bed. I slowly stretched then budged up closer to Sal.
"Morning babe" I said to him, wrapping my arms tightly around him.
"Good morning gorgeous" Sal replied, kissing my forehead. I glanced st the time and realised I had to get up as much as I would rather stay in bed with Sal.I was about to leave for work, when Sal chased me and held onto my hand, causing me to turn around to face him.
"Where are you going?" Sal asked.
"The bus stop, to get to work" I said with a confused smile.
"Let me drive you instead" Sal insisted.
"Sure" I said, holding his hand resting my head on his shoulder.
"I was actually thinking" Sal began. "As you don't have much stuff as you've only moved in your place a few months ago, wether you'd like to move in with me?" Sal asked.
"That would be amazing!" I replied with a smile.
"So would you be okay if I spoke to the estate agent and sold your house and I could move all your stuff in today with the guys" Sal added.
"That's so sweet" I said.
"We could get you all moved in by the after noon!" Sal added.*********
It was 7pm at night and me and Graham were making our way to dinner with our new client. Graham had chosen the restaurant; and I must say it was very posh. We got our table and waited for the client to arrive.
We ordered a few drinks and I decided to make light conversation.
"So, do you usually have dinner here?" I asked.
"Not particularly. I don't have anyone to go to dinner with" Graham said, looking down sadly. I held his hand and gave him a sympathetic look. " wife" he began. "She died a few years ago. That's why I'm socially uncomfortable; she was the only women I used to talk to" Graham said with a tear in his eye. This made sense why he hardly spoke and this was the most he's ever said to me.
"I'm so sorry to hear that" I said. He wiped away a tear from his eye.
"You remind me so much of her. You have the same personality and I suppose that's why your the only person I can talk to" he told me.
"I'll always be here for you" I said, gently brushing my hand over his.As the time progressed we had a phone call from the client saying they couldn't make it, but me and Graham were having a fun time and talking to eachother we didn't seem to mind.
However, I didn't realise that Sal was in the same restaurant with the guys.Sal's POV
Me and the guys decided after a long day of moving Emily's stuff in, to go for a nice dinner. We could hear a lot of laughter from one side of the restaurant. I looked over to see it was Emily.... with Graham.
Jealousy rushed through my body. She didn't bother coming home just so she could have dinner with him! Was she cheating on me? Did she fancy him?? I decided to ring her to see what she would say.
"Hey" I said, hiding the anger in my voice.
"Hi babe" she replied.
"Where are you?" I asked.
"Technically at work" she said. I immediately hung up the phone. How dare she! She was cheating on me.... with him!Emily's POV
Sal just suddenly hung up. Why? I said I was technically at work which was true- as we were here for a meeting.
"Is everything okay?" Graham asked.
"I think so. Sal just hung up on me!" I said. Graham took a look at his watch.
"Maybe I should take you home. He's probably wondering where you are, and I already think he doesn't like me" Graham said with a light laugh.
"I'm sure he does. He's probably just... jealous" I revealed.
"Well he has nothing to be jealous of. No offence it's just I'm not even looking for someone new- let alone a taken women!" Graham told me.
"I wouldn't worry about it" I said with a light laugh.Me and Graham made our way home, as he pulled up in front of my new house.
"Thank you for tonight. It's the most I've spoken to someone since..." Graham said.
"No problem! I'm here if you need me" I said with a smile. I got out of the car and realised I hadn't got the keys from Sal, so I waited on the doorstep. About half an hour later Sal arrived. The look of anger presented on his face.
"Hey babe" I said as he unlocked the door.
"Don't call me that!" Sal shouted.
"Are.. you oaky?" I asked him.
"I'm fine!" He lied. "I've just been to dinner in the new restaurant in town!" Sal said.
"Same" I said with a smile.
"So your not denying it!?" Sal shouted.
"Denying what??" I asked him.
"Woah! Your totally wrong!" I said.
"You even lied and told me you were at work when I saw you there!!" Sal shouted.
"I was.. technically" i said. "We were waiting for a client" I said.
"Oh sure!" Sal sarcastically said.
"We were! Don't you trust me? After all our years of friendship??" I asked him.
"Honestly Emily.. NO!" Sal spat.
"Wow. I guess I found out who you really are now!" I said.
"And I suppose I've now found out who you really are!" Sal said. "A liar and a cheat!" He added.
"And your a horrible man! I can't believe I was friends with you let alone your girlfriend!" I said.
"Ex girlfriend!" Sal said to me. I was speechless. I knew we were arguing but not breaking up. He handed me a suitcase.
"Pack your stuff and go!" He shouted.
"But you've sold my house!" I pointed out.
"I honestly don't care where you go, just leave!" He shouted.I grabbed some clothes and my phone and got out of that house as fast as I could. I sat on a little brown park bench as the rain began to pour at night. 'Now where do I go...' I thought to myself...

Right In Front Of Me...
FanfictionEmily and Sal met in high school and have been best friends ever since! This book shows the journey, from High school to present time, of their friendship. Emily and Sal have been through so much together and were practically inseparable! They both...