Chapter 5

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Present Time...

I was awoken by the pounding of my alarm ringing through my ears. I turned over and slapped my hand over the snooze button. I saw the time was 6:30am, so I decided to get changed. I was already running late, so I threw on whatever i saw. I worked in an office as apart of a book publishing company. I quickly ran downstairs; grabbed an apple and my keys and ran out to my car. I unlocked the door, threw my bag on the passenger seat. However.. my car wouldn't start. I attempted to turn on the ignition three more times but I knew it wouldn't start.
"Great" i muttered.
I quickly grabbed my bag and got my phone out. I decided to ring the one person i trusted in the world, my best friend; Sal. It rang a few times until he finally picked up, bear in mind it was just gone seven am.
"Hello" he said in a sleepy voice.
"You know 'cause your my best friend!" I sung, in a begging tone.
"What do you want Em" Sal asked with a laugh.
"My car wont work and i need a lift to work.. pretty please" i asked. I heard Sal laugh before he answered
"I'm on my way Em". Em was Sals nickname for me.
"Thank you" i replied before hanging up.

I quickly grabbed my bag and locked the car, and leaned up against it, waiting for Sal to arrive.

Soon after he pulled over the car to pick me up. He got out of the car and walked up to me.
"Your carriage awaits" Sal joked, pointing at his car.
"Any prince in there?" I joked.
"Well im there" he answered.
"so no price" I replied sarcastically
"Fine, find your own way to work" Sal joked.
"2im kidding" i said, playfully hitting his arm. He led me up to his car, his hand on my back. He opened up the passenger door for me. He then sat beside me, in the drivers seat and drove me to work.
"I was that late this morning i didnt even pack lunch" i told Sal.
"Good, because i was gonna see if you wanted to get lunch with me?"2 Sal said. At first, i hesitated because I had hardly any money at the moment. Sal sensed that was the issue. "Ill pay" he added, quickly glancing over to me.
"You cant keep paying for our meals together" i sighed
"But your my best friend and i wanna treat you" he told me, briefly placing his hand on my thigh for reassurance.
"seems like your paying for our treats more often"i said to him.
"Look, i know your struggling with money at the moment- so I like to treat you"he said to me, as he pulled up to my work.
"Ill pay you back" i said. "right, I'll see you later, thanks for the lift" i said to him.
"I'll pick you up around 2"2he said.
"Okay..bye" i said, followed by a kiss on his cheek. (That was jus something i did. Me and Sal were just friends..nothing more). After i kissed his cheek, Sal began blushing. I then ran into work and began my day.

1pm in the afternoon...
Meanwhile, Sal was at work with Joe, Q and Murr. Today they were filming in the supermarket; sticking post it notes to strangers. Joe was already on the shop floor, whilst Q, Sal and Murr were waiting behind the monitor.
"I have a question" Q began. "Who were your childhood crushes?" Q asked.
"danica mckellar" Murr answered.
"Wow really" Q answered. "We all know Sal still fancies his childhood crush" Q said, smirking at Murr- who began laughing.
"What?" Sal asked, not understanding what Murr and Q were on about.
"Emily!" Q said, causing Sal to blush wildly.
"W-what" Sal stuttered. "I don't fancy Emily" Sal lied.
"Yes you do! You have done since we were 14" Murr added.
"No no no. We are just..friends" Sal sighed.
"Prove it! Ill set you up on a date tomorrow night"  Murr said, smirking at Q.
"He wont do it. Sal will feel too guilty like he is actually dating Emily..which he isnt" Q said, annoying Sal.
"Fine! I will go on this date tomorrow" Sal said. Shortly after Joe joined the rest of the guys.
"Well thats filming done for today!" Joe said to the guys.
"Yep. Do you guys wanna go for lunch?" Murr offered.
"Yeah" Q and Joe replied. They turned to Sal who was avoiding eye contact with the guys.
"Sal? Wanna come?" Murr asked.
"I already got lunch plans" Sal said to them, grabbing his jacket.
"Really!? With who?" Joe asked.
"Emily" Sal answered, causing Q and Murr to laugh.
"Im still surprised you two haven't dated yet" Joe said to Sal.
"Same" Sal whispered so nobody could hear.
"What was that?" Q asked.
"Nothing, i better go" Sal said.
"Have fun on your date" Q said as Sal rolled his eyes at the comment.

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