Chapter 54

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When we got home, Sal was fixated on the scan photograph.
"Isn't he or she beautiful" he said to me in amazement. I nodded happily at him and began to make us some lunch. "Babe, I'll do that. You just rest" he said to me.
"I was thinking" I began as I sat on the stool in the kitchen. "Maybe we should tell our parents and the guys" I suggested.
"Maybe we could invite our parents 'round for dinner tonight??" Sal asked.
"Yep. I suppose we will have to tell them at some point" I answered.
"I'll ring them. In the meantime, you just relax" he said to me handing me my lunch.
"I could get used to this" I joked. He laughed and began to call our parents.

That night, Sal began to cook dinner for us all. His parents came early and I just made small talk. Luckily Sal began talking to them to fill the awkward silence. Soon after my parents arrived.
"Hello Emily and Sal" my dad said as he hugged me.
"Hi Dad" I replied. "Hiya Mum" I said as she hugged me.
"So why have you invited everyone over? Last time you did this you were getting married!" Sals mom said to us. I turned to Sal for help.
"We.. have some news!" Sal said as he walked up beside me and held my hand.
"What is it?" My dad asked. N
" we are having a baby" Sal blurted out.
"W-what?" Sal's dad said in shock.
"How long have you known?" My dad asked.
"About a month. We have got our scan today" i answered.
"Why?! You have only been married for 6 months" Sal's mom said.
"Well we have been together for two years, and we have been friends for 28 years!" Sal argued.
Then everyone began shouting, and I felt my stomach aching.
"Everyone just shut up!!" I shouted, placing my hand over my stomach.
"Babe, sit down. Are you okay??" Sal asked me. It was so cute how much he cared.
"I'm fine, but I don't think stress is helping the baby" I answered to him.
He kissed my forehead.
"Right, if your not going to congratulate us then leave! Your grandchild is appreciating all this fighting!!" Sal shouted, as all our parents fell silent.
"Fine. Congratulations" my mum said with a warm smile. Sal's parents and my dad turned to her outraged and confused.
"Look, they are adults. They have known each other for a while and would make great parents. We just need to give them a chance" my mum explained.
"I suppose" my dad agreed. "I mean, it going to be lovely having a grandchild" he said, warming to the idea.
"CONGRATULATIONS!!" They all screamed at once now that they were happy.

We all sat down to dinner, with our parents talking amongst themselves. I was so nervous, just in case I wasn't going to be a good Mum. They kept saying how great of parents we would be, but I don't think I could be. I was very quiet, hardly eating anything as I was now becoming scared. Sal noticed I was being oddly quiet. He placed his hand on my knee and turned to me
"Are you okay?" He asked me, just whispering so our parents couldn't hear. I didn't answer him, and I got up and left.

I ran upstairs and sat on the bed, crying into my hands. Sal soon followed me and sat beside me.
"Hey, hey, hey" he said to me as he wrapped his arms around me. "What's wrong?!" He asked. I couldn't bare to say anything. "Is this about what my parents said?" He asked, feeling bad. I shook my head no.
"It's- its just.. I don't think I can be a good Mum" I cried. Sal gently rubbed my back.
"Of course you will" he told me.
"No I won't. I can't be" I whined. He sat me up and wiped away my tears.
"Em, your the kindest, sweetest person I know. You always put everyone else first, and I know you'll care for our any just as much as you care for everyone else" he told me. I nodded at him. "Em?" He asked.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"I can't wait for our baby to be born" he replied with a sweet smile.

That night, me and Sal decided to go to bed quite early, however it was 1am and I still haven't gotten a wink of sleep. As I led there, facing the ceiling I suddenly felt the baby kick. At first I thought it was a one off, but then our baby kept kicking.
"Sal! Sal!!" I said, nudging him until he woke up.
"What is it?" He replied croakily as he was just waking up.
"The baby.. it's kicking" I told him with a huge smile on my face. He shot up and placed his hand on my stomach. I guided him to where the baby was kicking.
"That's amazing" he said as he led there beside me, his hand not moving.
"That's our beautiful baby" I said with a smile.

The next morning Sal went to the cafe in town to meet up with the guys. They were all waiting for him, as he ran late. He bursted through the doors in the cafe and was met by Joe, Q and Murr.
"Finally!" Murr said.
"Dude, couldn't this of waited?! What's so important!" Q complained.
Sal slumped down on the seat beside Joe.
"I have some big news!" Sal began.
"Let me guess. I cat was in your driveway and you refused to leave your house?" Joe joked.
"No seriously. I have some huge news!" Sal said.
"What is it?" They asked in unison. Sal took a deep breath.
"Me and Emily are having a baby" Sal revealed.

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