When me and Sal were in college...
Me and Sal were both around 18 now, and since the age of 14, we have been best friends. It was around the holidays, so it was mine and Sals last day in college until we get to come home and visit. Sal was practically a part of m family and i was practically apart of his. We would always be with each other no matter what. We were inseparable.
I was working in the coffee shop, quite close to the campus. I had just finished my last class for the term, and just begun my shift in the coffee shop. I was really excited to see my family again for Christmas. Sal was giving me and lift as he has a car, and our families still live opposite each other.
I was looking down, pouring more and more coffee in cups until a familiar voice said
"One coffee please". I looked up and smiled straight away.
"Hiya, Sal" I said to him.
"Actually- make that two coffees, one for my best friend too" he said with a smirk, leaving against the counter.
"Coming right up, sir" i joked. I quickly made the coffees and hung up my apron as my shift finished. I grabbed my bag and the coffee and handed one to Sal. We walked, bedside each other, to the car. Light snow filled the frosty air.
"So, you looking forward to seeing your parents again?" Sal asked, as we got into the car.
"Yeah especially as I haven't seen them ages. However, I'm not looking forward to the awkward questions like 'do you have a boyfriend yet'" i said with a laugh. Sal began to drive.
"Same. Thats all my parents keep asking me" he told me.
"Oh well" I said to him with a laugh as i turned on the radio. I blasted the music on full volume as me and Sal belted out to some of the classics, making us both laugh.Sal eventually pulled up to my house. It was quite dark now, around 6pm and light snow was still falling. I looked over to my house and turned back to Sal.
"Let the madness begin" i joked to him. We both got out of the car, Sal following beside me, with his hand on my shoulder. I got the keys out of my bag and unlocked the door. It was quite dark so i switched on the light to reveal mine and Sal's family jumping up screaming "surprise!"
Me and Sal both smiled as both of our families have organised a party for us.
"My boy is home!!" Sal's mom said to Sal giving him a hug. I laughed at Sal as he was making funny faces.
"My girl!" My mum and dad said in unison, hugging me.As our families al chatted to each other; and to me and Sal, it was becoming pretty overwhelming.
"Ill get our bags from the car" Sal said. "Em, help please" he said, with a smirk. We both went outside to his car and opened up the boot.
"I wasn't expecting that" Sal said with a laugh.
"Same here" i replied. We grabbed the bags and went back inside to find everyone scattered everywhere. We just threw our bags by the door and walked into the kitchen with Sals mom and dad and my mum and dad. They were all drinking champagne, but me and Sal had a can of cola. Our parents were all talking, but me and Sal just stood there, until Sal turned his head outside to notice a basket ball net.
"No way. You have a basket ball set!" Sal exclaimed.
"I guess so" i said with a laugh.
"You can have a go on it if you'd like" my dad offered Sal.
"Really?! Thanks" Sal said. Sal grabbed my hand and dragged me outside in the garden. The security light remained on. Sal grabbed the basket ball and began to shoot some hoops. I just sat on the hammock watching him. Every now and again I would applaud him and we would just laugh.
"Come on, your turn" Sal offered.
"I cant play basketball" I told him.
"I'll teach you then" Sal said, holding out his hand. I playfully rolled my eyes then grabbed his hand. He passed me the ball and told me to shoot. I did, and it went no where near the hoop, which made Sal laugh.
"Wow.. you really cant play can you?" Sal joked with a laugh. I play full hit his arm. "Ill teach you" he said. He handed me the ball, then stood behind me. He rested his head on my shoulder as I felt his breath dancing on my neck. He placed his hands on top of mine, which were resting on the ball.
"Gently lift the ball up, then shoot" he said in his soft voice. I did what he said and I actually shot the ball in the hoop. There was definitely a moment between us. I slowly turned around, so me and him were face to face. I slowly felt his hands on my waist, as i placed my hands around his neck. We both slowly leaned in, about to kiss.. until Sals mom opened the door.
"Dinners-" she said, until she realised we were about to kiss. "Sorry, but i was letting you know dinners ready" she explained. I felt my cheeks burning red and i rested my head on his chest, looking down to the ground, beginning to laugh.
"Thanks mom. We'll be in now" Sal replied. I looked back up and Sal and me and him both began to laugh. We walked back into the house, forgetting about the moment between us.

Right In Front Of Me...
FanfictionEmily and Sal met in high school and have been best friends ever since! This book shows the journey, from High school to present time, of their friendship. Emily and Sal have been through so much together and were practically inseparable! They both...