"Hey Jim" Sal answered.
"Is Emily in?" He asked, curiously.
"She's looking after Connor" Sal informed him.
"Connor?" Jim asked.
"Our new son. But you can come in and wait" Sal offered. Sal opened the door slightly wider to allow Jim to walk in. I slowly placed Connor in his crib and ran downstairs.
"Hello Jim" I said with a smile.
"Morning Emily. I just wanted to let you know that we have set up your stay, staring next week" Jim informed me.
"That soon?" I asked, hesitation evident in my voice.
"Yeah.. if that's okay?" Jim asked, picking up on my hesitation. I turned to Sal, whose eyes were staring deeply into mine, nudging to to grasp this opportunity.
"That will be fine" Sal answered for me.
"Great! I'll see you next week" Jim said as he strolled out of the house.
"Are you sure. If be leaving you for a week! That's a week without you, Scarlett and Connor!" I stressed.
"Babe, I have the guys to help me. I want you to take these opportunities. You've always wanted to do this. I'm telling you to go for it!!" Sal reassured me.
"Thanks" I said, throwing my arms around him.
"What for?" He asked.
"Just for being you!" I simply replied.That afternoon, we picked Scarlett up from Q's and took her and Connor down the lake for a nice walk. Sal sat on the edge of the lake with Scarlett sat on his lap, as they fed the ducks. Meanwhile, I sat beside them holding Connor securely in my arms. The sun was causing a scintillating glow over the ripples of the water below. The tips of my toes just about touching the warm water. Sal leaned over and planted a kiss on my forehead. We enjoyed the day with our little family...
A Week Later...
I gathered the last of my things as I packed them into the car. I said goodbye to Scarlett and Connor as I handed them over to my parents. Sal was driving me down to Brooklyn, therefore my parents offered to take care of the kids.I waved goodbye as we began to drive off.
"So.. are you looking forward to it??" Sal asked me.
"Kinda... I'm just gonna miss you and the kids" I said with sadness evident in my voice.
"We will be fine. Just enjoy this time to experiment with a new job!" Sal optimistically said.
"But Connor is just over a week old. I should be taking care of him" I said to Sal.
"We can have some father-son bonding time" Sal told me.
"I suppose" I said with a weak smile.In a matter of time, I arrived. The building was so tall, as the clear blue sky centred it in the middle of the busy streets. I took a deep breath, taking in the city smells. I smiled sufficiently to myself, before Sal placed his hand on my shoulder. He rolled the suitcase in front of me and wished me luck.
"Good Luck Em. they're lucky to have you!" He said as he kissed my lips one more time.
"I'll miss you" I said. "But I love you" I added with a sweet smile.
"I love you too" he said with a gorgeous smile. I took a few steps, edging closer to the door. I turned around to wave once more to Sal, before I walked into the building...

Right In Front Of Me...
FanfictionEmily and Sal met in high school and have been best friends ever since! This book shows the journey, from High school to present time, of their friendship. Emily and Sal have been through so much together and were practically inseparable! They both...