So that night we moved the crib into our bedroom beside our bed. Scarlett was awake for the majority of the night, screaming and crying, but Sal always wanted to settle her down.
The next morning, I woke up at 7am. I went downstairs to make Scarlett's bottle, whilst Sal stayed upstairs. I made me and him a cup of coffee, but as I was about to walk up to the bedroom, he made his way down with Scarlett.
"Morning Hun" I said to Sal.
"Morning babe" he replied. "Scarlett's got a set of lungs on her, doesn't she" he joked. I was surprised by Sal. Usually if he didn't get much sleep he would be very moody, but he seemed to be quite cheerful.
"How much sleep did you get last night?" I asked him.
"Nothing. What about you?" He asked me.
"Same" I said with a yawn.
"Em, take a nap. I'm fine with Scarlett. You have had a busy day and you must still be tired from yesterday" Sal said to me.
"Are you sure? I feel bad with leaving you to look after Scarlett on your own" I said to him.
"Do you want to spend time with dada?" He said in a baby voice to Scarlett.
"Dada?" I asked.
"I'm hoping it will be her first word, so if I keep saying it, it may stick" Sal told me.
"Right" I said with a chuckle. "Her bottle is ready whenever she needs it. I won't be long" I said as I ran upstairs and attempted to get some sleep.I woke around 2 hours later and ran downstairs to see Sal with Scarlett on his lap. He was singing to her, which made her lightly smile. It was very cute.
"Hello sleeping beauty" Sal joked to me, as I sat beside him. "I was just thinking how much Scarlett looks like you. She has your smile" Sal told me.
"She has your eyes" I commented, causing to smile.
"She's beautiful" Sal said, smiling at her. Scarlett began crying again "daddy's he" he said as he fetched her bottle.
"Maybe I should take her out for a walk" I suggested.
"Can I come??" Sal asked.
"Of course. We have to put the pram together" I told him.
"I've already done it" Sal told me. I looked at him in amazement.
"Sal Vulcano, you are amazing" I told him as I kissed his cheek.After we got everything ready, we took Scarlett for a walk in the park. I pushed the pram, whilst Sal was talking to me about the show. Scarlett was asleep in the pram, and this has been the only chance for me and Sal to speak properly. It was just nice to be spending some time with him.
As we turned the next corner we saw Graham. He ran up to us, and saw how tired we both looked.
"Hello. This must be your daughter" he said, peeping into the pram. "What's her name?" Graham asked.
"Scarlett" Sal answered. "Oh, and I wanted to say thanks for taking care of Emily yesterday. I appreciate it" Sal said to Graham with a warm smile.
"Hey it was no problem. And Scarlett looks so cute. I'm happy for you both" he said.
"So are you here alone?" I asked.
"Nope I'm actually here with my girlfriend, who you are yet to meet!" Graham said. "Here she is" he said, pulling her close to him. Mine and Sal's jaws dropped. "Guys meet my girlfriend....Tanya" Graham said.

Right In Front Of Me...
FanfictionEmily and Sal met in high school and have been best friends ever since! This book shows the journey, from High school to present time, of their friendship. Emily and Sal have been through so much together and were practically inseparable! They both...