"What about Tanya??" I repeated.
"N- nothing" Q stuttered.
"What is it? What has she done??" I asked him worryingly.
"Sal.. Sal" Q mumbled.
"What Q?!" I asked.
"Talk to him, but know I'm here for you" Q told me which got me worried. I ran pass Q and stormed up to Sal, and turned him around.
"So what's with you and Tanya??" I asked Sal.
"W- what??" Sal said, growing pale in the face.
"Q said something about you and Tanya and I want to know what it is?!" I shouted.
"Emily.." Sal said, tears building up in his eyes.
"Sal?" I asked him with all my hopes he hasn't done anything stupid.
"We.. we kissed" Sal revealed.
"Once?" I asked.
"No.. at lot more than once" Sal said ashamed.
"How dare you!" I shouted, hiding the hurt.
"Emily.. don't. I love you" Sal said, beginning to cry.
"Don't you dare say that to me! If you loved me you wouldn't of kissed her! I.. I.. I HATE YOU!" I screamed at him. I turned around about to storm off when he grabbed hold of my wrists.
"No way Sal! I can't even stand to look at you!" I said, ashamed of him.
"Please... Emily.... don't go!" He pleaded. I pulled my arm away and walked off.Joe and Murr looked up at Sal in disgust. Sal had only told Q.
"How could you do that to her??" Murr said with pure disgust.
"We would of never, and I mean NEVER of tried to get you both back together if we knew what you had done!" Joe said.
"Guys..." Q said to make them go easy on Sal. "His heart is breaking too" Q said.
"Yeah, but the difference is- he caused it!" Murr said.
"Emily caused it. She cheated on him first!" Q said.
"Not true! He thought she did!" Joe said.
"Everyone just shut up!" Sal shouted. "I'll make this up to her... somehow" Sal said.Meanwhile, I was running home back to Graham's house. As soon as I got in I ran into my room and took of Sal's hoodie. I didn't actually have any of my tops so I sneakily took one of Grahams, just temporarily. I couldn't stay in anything that belonged to Sal anymore. I was more angry rather than upset. I just couldn't believe my best friend and my boyfriend would do that to me. I was walking, very fast, up and down the kitchen until Graham arrived.
"Hello?" He said, wondering where I was. He peeped his head around the corner and saw me and smiled to himself.
"Is that my shirt?" He asked, smirking to himself.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I had nothing-" I began.
"I don't mind" he said. "You look quite cute" Graham said, then realised he said it out loud, instead to inside of his head. "I mean.." he began.
"Thanks" I said with a smile. "I had nothing else" I said.
"What about that hoodie?" Graham asked.
"That was Sal's and I want nothing to do with him!" I said beginning to get angry again.
"Why? I thought you two were gonna sort things out?" Graham said.
"Well we did.. sorta.. but then I found out he kissed my best friend a lot and I couldn't bare to see him!" I said.
"How dare he treat you like that!" Graham shouted. As soon as he finished his sentence the door bell rang... it was Sal. Graham answered it.
"Can I talk to Emily?" Sal asked. Graham turned to me and I shook my head no.
"No! And I don't think I even want you in my house or near Emily!" Graham shouted.
"Look, I'm guessing she told you. I'm, sorry for what I've done but maybe she should come home and we can sort it out" Sal suggested.
"She is home!" Graham said.
"What? No.. her actual home" Sal said.
"She is!" Graham fought back.
"Just let me see her!" Sal said, attempting to push past Graham.
"No!" Graham said and punched Sal across the face, causing him to stumble back. As much as Sal had hurt my feelings, I didn't want to see him hurt.
"Sal, are you alright?" I asked, kneeling down beside him.
"No.. I've lost you" Sal said with a tear in his eye.(A/N- I'm just curious, have your opinions of Graham changed now, as we have progressed into the story?!? Also, hope your enjoying it :) )

Right In Front Of Me...
FanfictionEmily and Sal met in high school and have been best friends ever since! This book shows the journey, from High school to present time, of their friendship. Emily and Sal have been through so much together and were practically inseparable! They both...