Chapter 90

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The next day, me and Sal took Connor and Scarlett up to Bay Ridge to visit our new house. Luckily Joe and Bessy knew a great realtor, and they offered her to us. We have already bought the house, as there wasn't many offers because it's only been on sale for a week or so.

When we got down there, both me and Sal looked up at the house. It was huge, a terrace in the top floor, with double glass doors behind leading into the master bedroom. The garden was also huge. We walked through the house, and just seeing how great it was. There was no denying it... me and Sal were going to be happy here. I looked out of the window to see who are neighbours were. But me and Sal definitely recognised one of our neighbours....

(A/N: I've just seen I have 3k reads!!! Thank you so so much! It means a lot to me :) )

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