"What?!" Sal said. "N-now?" He stuttered.
"Yep!! Hurry up!" Graham said then hung up.
Sal stood there in frozen shock.
"Are you alright there bud?" Murr asked.
"Emily's gone into labour" he told them. They jumped up with joy and excitement, whilst Sal was still in shock. He has been looking forward to this day, but was beginning to doubt himself as a dad.
"I'll drive you down!" Joe said as all four of them rushed down to the hospital.I was in the hospital room with the midwife. She also kept repeating "take deep breaths". After a while she told me I was ready to begin pushing.
"I can't. My husband.. he wouldn't want to miss this!" I whined.
"I'm sorry but your baby doesn't want to wait!" She said with a little laugh. "I'm going to need you to push on three. One...2...3" she said. As I began pushing, Sal bursted through the door.
"So sorry I'm late" he said to me.
He rushed over to my side and held my hand. I'm pretty sure I crushed all the bones in his hand, which I obviously was sorry for.
"Emily, I know this is hard.. but I need a few more big pushes!" The midwife told me. I pushed again and heard the sound of our baby crying.
"It's a...." the midwife began.

Right In Front Of Me...
FanfictionEmily and Sal met in high school and have been best friends ever since! This book shows the journey, from High school to present time, of their friendship. Emily and Sal have been through so much together and were practically inseparable! They both...