Chapter 48

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6 months Later....
Me and Sal have been happily married for 6 months. We were approaching the summer months. He's been on tour for a few weeks and was coming home tomorrow. I have been in bed for the past few days. I keep being sick and I felt awful. I had texted Sal and told hi, and he keeps urging me to go to the doctors. I suppose I should. This has actually lasted quite a while now and I suppose I should get it checked out. I mean, it's probably nothing.

I rang up the doctors and explained how I felt. They booked me an appointment for half an hour. I got changed into some old sweats and rang Graham.
"Hey Graham, could you give me a lift to the doctors. I'll walk home, but I'll be late if I walk now" I said.
"Of course. Are you okay?" He asked me.
"Yeah, I'm just feeling quite sick recently" I replied.
"Okay, I'm on my way".

When he dropped me off at the doctors, he asked wether I wanted him to come in with me, but I told him no. I was fine on my own... it was probably nothing.
I sat in the waiting room, my left leg shaking. Eventually they called "Emily Vulcano". I still loved hearing that name.

I walked into the doctors, where I was introduced to Dr Hillary. She was a pleasant women and seemed very professional.
"So what's the issue today?" She kindly asked.
"I keep being sick.. like a lot" I said. "However, I haven't got a stomach bug" I explained.
"Sit up here" she said, gesturing towards the bed. "Let's see what the issue is". She used some equipment and was asking me many questions. She had a worried look on her face and called in for another doctor. He then checked over my stomach and they both walked out. They began talking, then she came back in.
"Emily... sit down" she said, gesturing to the chair opposite her desk.
"Okay" I said worryingly.
"Emily, there's no easy way of saying this.." she began. "Your pregnant!" She revealed.

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