I just sat there, watching Sal as he fixed my car. I had no idea why I was feeling this why. I snapped out of my daze when Sal came up to me.
"Right- I think it's fixed" he told me with an adorable smile.
"Thank you so much" i said.
"Would you mind if i take a shower? Its just i have oil everywhere-" he began to explain.
"Sure. You know where it is" i said to him.
"Thanks" he replied, kissing my forehead. I couldn't help but smile at the gesture.
As soon as i heard the shower turn on I decided to ring Murr.
"Hey" i began, in a nervous tone. Me and Murr were best friends too, and I could trust him with anything.
"Hello Emily" he replied. "You alright?" He asked.
"Not really. Can i tell you something, and you to promise to never tell anyone- not a single soul!" I asked.
"Of course" he said. "What is it?" He asked.
"I think.. i fancy..Sal" i spat out.
"Obviously" he said with a laugh.
"what?" I asked.
"It was kinda obvious. You've always fancied him" he said.
"No I haven't" i lied.
"Emily- everyone could tell" murr replied. "But its great. You two are meant for each other" Murr said. I looked over to my left, to see Sal making his way down the stairs.
"Gotta go" i quickly said to Murr. "Hiya" i said to him as he sat by me.
"You alright" he said to me with a smile.
"Yeah, but actually do you mind if i talk to you?" I asked him. I was about to tell him my feelings for him.
"Yeah, and after that can you help me out" he said.
"With what?" I asked.
"Help me choose what i should wear on my date tomorrow" he asked me. I felt like my heart was shattering into a million pieces. "So what did you want to ask me??" Sal asked me, his hand brushing over mine.
"Uhh..nothing"i lied. "I forgot" i added.
"So what do you think I should wear?" Sal asked me.
"Maybe...a suit? Shows your smart" i said to him with a weak smile, attempting to hide the hurt.

Right In Front Of Me...
FanfictionEmily and Sal met in high school and have been best friends ever since! This book shows the journey, from High school to present time, of their friendship. Emily and Sal have been through so much together and were practically inseparable! They both...