Chapter 14

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One Week Later:
I woke up bright and early this Saturday morning. I slowly turned over in bed and checked my phone. I saw the date and realised it was the day of Petes Wedding. Sal was picking make up at 12. I checked through my phone and saw Ihad a few messages.

The one from Sal;
Sal: I'll be picking you up at 12. See ya soon :)

The one from Murr:
Murr: hey Emily. Are you going to the wedding.

And finally one from Q:
Q: hello :)
Q: cant wait to tell you some news later xx

I re read the text from Sal last week and realised i never responded. He said we needed to talk. I had no clue why i never responded to him; because i always do. I reminisced over he events from the past week an realised i was sick and never saw the text until a few days later. It sounded quite important so I'll ask him when he picks me up
I responded to each text then decided to ring my mum.
"Hiya mum" i said.
"Hello, lovely" she replied.
"Are you still coming to the wedding today?"  I asked.
"Yep! Are you and Sal going together??" She asked.
"Yeah.. as friends" I replied.
"I remember you two as teens. You would always be with each other, from playing video games to walking around. Me and your father always expected you two to get together!" She told me. I rolled my eyes; which luckily she couldn't see.
"We still hang out. But me and Sal are just friends" I emphasised.
"We'll see. With the sense of romance in the air; with the wedding today maybe you two might realise.." she began.
"Mum- stop!" I interrupted. "I'll see you after" i said and hung up.

For some reason she has always wanted me and Sal to get together. I would be lying if I said i didnt want that too; but there were so many risks; ruining our friendship. However there was one positive....being with Sal. I sat there for a while, day dreaming about mine and Sals life together if we got together. I slowly looked at the time to see 12 o clock was creeping upon us so I quickly got dressed. I changed into my lavender dress, and matching heel and grabbed my purse as i heard the front door knock. I opened it up to see the most gorgeous sight.. Sal in a tux!
"Wow.."me and Sal both said, admiring the other person.
"You look gorgeous..beautiful" Sa told me, with a smile planted on his face.
"You look handsome" i replied with a smile. Sal offered out his hand and led me into his car, parked outside my house.

We both got in the car, as Sal began to drive to the altar. The window was slightly cracked open, causing my hair to wave in the wind. I decided now was the best chance to ask Sal what the text meant.
"So Sal." I began, grabbing his attention.
"Yeah Em" he replied, quickly looking at me, then back to the road.
"I saw you texted me last week and i was wondering what it meant!?" I asked.
"Your gonna have to give me more clues than that. I text you a lot" he said with a laugh.
"You said we have to talk" i replied. I looked over to Sal to see his eyes widen. He began to stutter.
" i cant remember" he lied.
"Sal-we have been friends for like forever! I can tell when your lying" i replied with a smirk. As soon as i finished my  sentence, Sals phone rang. I saw Sal take a sigh of relief as he got away with not telling me what his text meant, then he answered his phone (which was on speaker as he was driving!)
"Hey Ma" Sal began saying to his mother.
"Are you joining us anytime soon? Me, your father and Emily's parents have been waiting ages for you to come!" Sals mother said.
"Im about 5 minutes away, Ma" sal replied.
"Are you picking Emily up?" Sals mother asked.
"Yep" Sal responded.
"good because now is your chance!" Sals mother began.
"Chance for what?" Sal asked.
"To ask her out!" She said. "We both know you adore that girl and she adores you! Since you were kids- there has always been a chemistry between the two of you" Sals mother explained. I began to smirk at Sal, seeing him lightly blush.
"Ma-" Sal interrupted.
"Please Sal. I remember that time you told me-" she began to say.
"MA! STOP! Emily is here in the car and your on speaker!" Sal explained.
"Hello Mrs Vulcano" i said weakly, hiding my laughter at how embarrassed Sal was.
"Hello dear. I suppose ill see you both in a minute" she said.
"Bye Ma" Sal said and hung up.

As we pulled up, Sal turned of the ignition and turned to me seeing me smirk, causing him to smile.
"What?" He asked.
"Im just, really intrigued.. as to what the story was your mum was going to say. What did you tell her about me?" I asked him. He turned to me and lightly laughed then smiled.
"Ill tel you later" he said to me.
"Promise?" I asked.
"I promise" he replied.

As we sat in the altar, we had our parents sat behind us, me and Sal sat next to each other, and the guys beside us.
I loved weddings. Always have done and always will do. It was the sense of romance that filled the air. The feeling of love blossoming around us. It was a magical feeling.

We all sat there in silence; witnessing the bride and groom getting married. The brides turn to say her vows were coming up.
"Pete is not only my husband, but my best friend. I have loved him since the minute we met. Words can't describe how much i love him" she began. My hands were draped down on the side of my body, handing jest below my seat; in line with Sals. As the bride continued with her beautiful vows, I slowly felt Sal hold my hand. We intertwined our fingers. We both smiled warmly, not looking into each others eyes. We sat there, knowing we were holding hands, but didn't look or speak to each other. What did i say.. weddings are magical.

Little did i know our parents saw. My mum noticed first as she lanced down to our hands, smiling to herself. Then she urged my dads arm and he smiled too; then he nudged Sals dad arm, then he nudged his wife's. they all saw and thought it was cute- hoping it would lead to us dating.

After the bride and groom left to go to their reception, with the guests (like myself) following shortly behind afterwards. Me and Sal sat there, still holding hands; not saying a word. As i opened my mouth the mother of the bride, announced we can make our way to the reception of the wedding. Me and Sal both stood up. I could tell he was wondering to et go of my hand or not, but i held on tighter and rested my head on his shoulder; with his head leaning on the top of mine as we began walking.
I decided as we walked along to make conversation.
"I do love a good wedding" i said, looking up at Sal.
"Whys that Em?" He asked me.
"The sense of romance in the air" i said. "Im a sucker for a good romance" I joked. He cutely tapped my nose and said
"I don't mind a good romance either" he said as we trailed along.

When we got in the reception, everyone began to get up on the dance floor or spend time at the bar, meanwhile, me and Sal were the only ones sat down. Majority of people were dancing amongst the happy couple. Sal stood up in front of me and held out his hand.
"Would you like to dance with me?" He cutely asked.
"Of course" i said with a giggle, holding his hand as he led us to a space. The song had just changed to 'Happier- by Ed Sheeran'. (Which is a slow song).

Sal paced his hands on my hips, as i wrapped my arms around his neck as we gently swayed to the music.
"I just remembered- you promised to tell me what that story was our mother began to talk about!" I said to him with a smile. He smirked to himself.
"I did didnt I?.. basically on the first day i met you when we were 14..." he began.
"Yeah?"i asked.
"I went home and told my mum i had fallen in love and met my soulmate"Sal told me with a warm smile.
"For real?" I asked him.
"Yep" he said.
He leaned in quite close to me. The tips of our noses touching, as our foreheads rested on the others. Sal slowly leaned in closer and planted a soft kiss on my lips...

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