Two weeks later...
I was sat in bed with a few pains in my stomach. I knew I wasn't in labour, but it was definitely hurting. I have arranged to begin my trial in two weeks in Brooklyn, as Sal has time off to look after Scarlett.It was surprising to me about how understanding he was being, especially if it meant me leaving for a week. However, I was excited; new opportunities for me. All my life I have been doing a job I liked but not loved. I've aspired to be not only an agent, but help to new authors. And since me and Sal have been together, and had Scarlett, all my career dreams seemed more distant. I had to be grown up and look after my family before myself. But I finally have the chance to do what I've always wanted... but will I have to sacrifice my family for my career??
Sal soon walked in, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Morning gorgeous" he said, making a smile appear into my face.
"Good morning" I replied with an unsatisfied smile.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Its just... Im worried I'm going to be more focused on my career than my family- and I really don't want that to happen!" I stressed.
"Babe, you have to live your life. Me and Scarlett are a huge part of your life- just like you and Scarlett are to me. But I don't stop filming or touring as that's my life too. We just have to balance it" he reassured me.
"But I have to stay in Brooklyn a whole week without you both" I whined.
"And I have to tour different countries without you two. It kills me, but it's my job" Sal explained, making my mind at ease. However, before I could reply I soon whinged in pain, holding onto my stomach. Sal soon rushed over to me.
"Are you okay??" He asked, with a hint of fear in his voice.
"I..I.." and before I could finish my sentence I felt another pain. "I think I'm going into labour" I said.Sal dropped Scarlett off at Q's, and drove me down the hospital. I couldn't believe me and Sal were about to have our second child. Recently, I've been too stressed to even think about names, or bedrooms or what gender we may have; but thankfully I had Sal who sorted a majority of it out.
A few hours later...
"I need one more push" the midwife urged me. And before I knew it, the blissful sounds of our baby's crying filled the room. Me and Sal both waited in suspense to hear what baby we have.
"It's a....boy!" The midwife revealed.
"I have a son!!" Sal shouted in excitement. I smiled, in utter shock. I just couldn't believe it. The midwife handed our baby boy to me, as I held him securely in my arms. A few happy tears dropped down my face; my smile widening.
"He's so cute" I gently spoke, as our son soon fell asleep in my arms. I handed him to Sal. His smile never fading.
"He's adorable" Sal spoke.
"Do we have a name? Or is it baby boy for now?" The midwife asked.
"Actually, Em, I've been thinking of a few names if it were a boy" Sal told me.
"Like what?" I asked with a smile.
"Maybe... James, John, Connor" Sal listed.
"Connor?... Connor Vulcano?" I hummed to myself. "I like it" I said with a smile.
"I guess this is baby Connor Vulcano" Sal told the nurse.
"Congratulations!" The midwife said to us.

Right In Front Of Me...
FanfictionEmily and Sal met in high school and have been best friends ever since! This book shows the journey, from High school to present time, of their friendship. Emily and Sal have been through so much together and were practically inseparable! They both...