Chapter 36

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I sat at the bar and ordered another drink to be greeted by an anxious Sal. For some reason he presumed I was angry with him, which I wasn't.
"Babe.. I'm sorry for everything" he began. I stopped him with a kiss.
"I'm not angry with you. I love you" I reassured him.
"I love you too" he told me. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life" Sal added.
"I'm the lucky one" I added.

6 Months Later:
It was now Christmas time! Me and Sal were getting ready for the Impractical Jokers Christmas party. We have had no argument ps since, we haven't seen Tanya since, me and Graham are good friends and me and Sal were stronger than ever in our relationship. We were approaching our one year anniversary soon as being a couple.

We got to the party, holding hands, to be greeted by a majority of Sal's workers. Murr immediately ran up to me and gave me a hug
"Emily! I haven't seen you since... yesterday" Murr said with a laugh. "Can I get you a drink??" He shouted above the music.
"Yes please.. surprise me" I said.
Then Q walked up to me and Sal with a drink of whiskey in his one hand, and his words a little slurred.
"H- hello" he slurred.
"Have been you already been drinking?" Sal asked him.
"No" Q lied with a laugh. Soon after Joe and Bessy arrived.
"Hello" I said, hugging them both.
"Hi Emily" they both replied. Before I could say anymore, Q shouted for everyone to go out onto the dancefloor. Me and Sal just gently swung out bodies with our hands wrapped around each other.
"I can't believe it's been over a year that we've been together" Sal said.
"I know. I'm the luckiest girl on earth" I said to him.
"But seriously.. I've never ever loved someone the way I love you" Sal told me. Before I could reply, Joe, Murr and Q ran up to us. They pushed us underneath the mistletoe and shouted
"Kiss, kiss kiss!!"  Me and Sal smiled and planted a kiss onto the others lips.
"I love you too" I softly whispered into his ear.

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