(Note: I've changed a few details like the guys didn't go to an all boys high school- instead its a school with both boys and girls! Also this book begins with the story of how Emily and Sal first meet. We gradually go up the years until we land in present time :) it will make sense the further on you read, I promise!!)
When me and Sal were 14..
I got out of my dads car, which was parked outside my new High-School, Riverside High. My dad waved me goodbye as he drove off in the distance. I was surrounded by a bunch of students, carrying books and folders; laughing and chatting to each other. I was new. I had just moved from Wales in the UK to Staten Island in New York.
I looked around, with every building looking the same. I had no idea where to go. I just began walking, attempting to find the right room. I held out my hand and tried to grab students' attention.
"Excuse me-" I said, with nobody paying attention. I looked around every classroom trying to find my english class, but it was no use. I had no clue where I was going. I took out the map of the school from my bag (which I was given in a welcome pack from the school). I was staring down intently at the map, whilst walking down a hallway, when suddenly I bumped into someone, which caused their books to fly everywhere.
'Great start Emily!' I said sarcastically in my mind.
"Im so sorry" i said, bending down picking up his books. He also bent down trying to pick up his work. We both reached for his maths book, causing our hands to touch. We both looked up, to be met by the others eyes.
"No, its my fault" he said to me with a smile.
"Im Emily" i said to him.
"Im Sal!" He replied. "Your not from around here are you?" He asked, picking up on my welsh accent.
"Nope. Im new, I have moved here from Wales" i said.
"Wow! Thats far away" he said with a laugh. "So your new to Riverside High??" Sal asked.
"Yep" i said, handing him his books. We both stood up, standing face to face in the hallway.
"Where's your next lesson?" Sal asked me. I handed him my timetable which he smiled at.
"We have most of the same classes, including English!" Sal told me. "Ill show you around if you like" he offered. I gave him a wam smile.
"Thank you. Your a lifesaver" i told him, walking beside him down the hallway.
"So have you met any friends here?" Sal asked me. I looked down to the ground shyly.
"Zero" i answered honestly. Sal looked at me with a smile and replied
"Incorrect. The answer is one.. me" he said. I looked up and gave him a large smile. "And here we are!" Sal told me, opening up the door for me. There was already a few students sat in there. I looked around for a seat, so i just sat on a chair in the back. I sat down, placing my bag next to me on the ground, and i looked over to my right to see Sal sitting next to me.
"So Emily, what do you think of New York so far?" Sal asked me, to make conversation.
"It's quite nice" I replied, when suddenly the door burst open to reveal 3 boys walking in. One with spikes hair, the other dressed quite smart and the other in a superman tee. They all sat down, and chatted, until they looked over to me and Sal. They boy in the superman tee, looked over to Sal and gestured for him to sit next to Sal. I pretended i didn't notice, as i presumed Sal would leave. But i glanced over to see Sal shaking his head no, and I couldn't help but smile. As the lesson went on, Sal helped me out a lot- as i didnt know what they were learning. He was really kind.When lunchtime rolled around, i just came out of the gym as i had PE. I followed a mass of pupil which lead to the canteen. I just sat on the back table by myself, trying so hard to not cry. It was really overwhelming, going to a new school and I only knew one person...Sal. And because i had PE- I wasn't in Sals class so i was alone. I tried talking to some girls but they didn't really listen to me. I sat at the back of the canteen, with my head buried in my hands.
Meanwhile, Sal was in the same canteen, at the front, talking to Joe, Murr and Q.
"Bud, how come you didn't sit by us in English? You sat by the new girl" Murr asked.
"Yeah. Why was you by her and not us!?" Joe asked.
"First of all, she has a name- Emily. And second of all, shes new and hasn't met anybody and i didn't want her sat alone. Shes really nice, so i thought it would be nice" Sal justified.
"I suppose thats fair enough" Murr replied.
"Guys, check out my new comics!" Q said, pulling a few comics from his bag. Sal peered around the canteen, until he saw me sat at the back on my own, with my head in my hands. He displayed a look of sadness and sympathy.
"I'll be back now" Sal said, grabbing his bag.
"Where are you going?" Joe asked. The guys watched him walk away- seeing him make his way up to me.I sat there, with my head in my hands, until i felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around, and looked up to see Sal stood there with a smile. He sat on the seat next to me. I gave him a fake smile, not being able to hide my sadness.
"Are you okay?" Sal asked me. I shook my head no. "Why? Has someone upset you?" He asked, his voice sounding defensive.
"In order for someone to upset me, would mean they'd have to talk to me" I whined. "Its just, nobody will talk to me. And i feel so lonely" i told him, looking down to the ground. Sal stood up and offered his hand out. I looked up at him with a confused look displayed on my face.
"Follow me" he said. I held loosely onto his hand as he led me down to a table with three guys. Their eyes all darted towards me.
"Guys, this is Emily. Emily meet Q, Joe and Murr" Sal said, pointing to each one as he told me their names.
"Now you've made 4 friends" Sal whispered to me.

Right In Front Of Me...
FanfictionEmily and Sal met in high school and have been best friends ever since! This book shows the journey, from High school to present time, of their friendship. Emily and Sal have been through so much together and were practically inseparable! They both...