Chapter 17

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Me and Sal walked back to the table, our hands intertwined. The guys immediately noticed and smiled.
"Are you two..??" Joe asked. I nodded at them, not being able to control my excitement.
"Finally!" Q joked. "Not like we have been waiting over 20 years!" He added with a chuckle.
"Well we are together now" Sal softly said kissing my forehead, and I felt my heart melt.

'He was finally mine! All these years of waiting and he finally asked me out! It was a lie to say I was in love.. i was madly in love with the man of my dreams!' I thought.

Me and Sal decided to leave the diner and go back to his place and watch some movies together. All the walk home, Sal didn't let go of my hand, and I definitely wasn't to let go of his. When we reached his door step, he opened the door and led me into his living room; where there were a bunch of boxes scattered around.
"Whats all this?" I asked, sitting in front of one.
"I forgot about this. I was sorting out the attic" he revealed. I looked in the box and saw a bunch of old photos. Sal sat beside me, looking through the photos. I stumbled upon one of me and him when we were 14, sat in the sun on a summers day together. I turned the photo around to read the caption 'me and my best friend Emily in 1990'.
"Aww" i said, admiring the pictures then handing it to Sal to look at.
I then looked back in the cardboard box to find Sal's diary from 1989. I opened it up and started to read random dates.
"27th of March you went fishing with your dad" i announced. "On the 4th of September, you and Q went to a comic book convention" i added.
Sal laughed, whilst having a flashback to the memory.
"1st of October 1989. Today I met the most beautiful, funny, kind girl called Emily. She is new to our school and moved from Wales. Shes so cute and we are now best friends. Today is the day I fell in love with her" i read out, my heart warming and a tear in my eye. He smiled at me, then rapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"And I have loved you ever since" he said to me with a smile. I turned my neck to face him as he planted another kiss on my lips. I could feel his smile crease against my lips..

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