Chapter 72

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The next morning I woke up, peacefully with flakes of dust dancing around my head in the bedroom, Sal's warm arms comforting me, as he planted a soft kiss on my forehead.
"Morning gorgeous" he whispered in my ear. I turned over to be face to face to face with him.
"Good morning" I sung.
"Do you hear that?" Sal asked me. I listened out to hear silence.
"What? I don't hear anything" I answered slightly confused.
"Exactly. Scarlett is still asleep. Maybe we could watch a movie together??" Sal suggested.
"Good idea" I answered.

We spent the whole morning watching a comedy together, just us. It was like we were back to normal again.

1 year Later...
Today, me and Sal took Scarlett to the beach. Tomorrow was her first birthday and Sal was so excited. He has planned a little part for her and chosen loads of gifts for her. In a few days I was going back to work for the first time since I've had Scarlett. It was going to be odd not spending every minute with her, but my parents have agreed to take care of her for a while.

When we got to the beach, Sal laid out a towel for us all to sit on. I was sat there, happily reading my book, whilst Sal was helping Scarlett build a sandcastle. As I turned my page, I watched Sal with Scarlett. She was sat on his lap, and he was non stop smiling to her. It was so cute. I sneaked my phone out and took a picture of them both, and set it as my wallpaper. Sal looked over his shoulder at me.
"What are you doing?" He curiously asked with a smirk.
"Nothing" I lied with a smile. "You two are my world" I said, as I sat closer to him.
"And your both mine" he replied.

As the sun began setting, Sal thought we better get an ice cream then go home.
"Look how cute Scarlett is" he said to me as I held her in my arms.
"I know! She's adorable" I said, as I turned her to face Sal.
"Dada" Scarlett softly said. Me and Sal looked at each other in shock.
"Did she just? .....Did she just say her first word?!" I asked in utter surprise.
"SHE DID!!" Sal shouted in excitement. "Say it again Scarlett" he urged.
"Dada" she softly spoke.
"OH MY GOD!! She just said her first word...and her first word was dada!!! That's me!!!" Sal said in excitement as he jumped up and down.

(A/N: sorry it's short! Also, the next chapter is the party... wonder what will happen there?! ;). Hope your enjoying this book so far! And thank you so much for reading- I've just noticed I've reached 2k!!!) ❤️❤️

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