Zoe: Would you shoot your best friend in the leg for ten million dollars?
Madison: [To Queenie] Dude shoot me, and then when my leg heals we can buy a huge ass mansion and sports cars.
Queenie: Hey, you can shoot me too then we'll have twenty million dollars.
Madison: Good thinking, fuck the system.———————————————————————
Liz: I'm 41 Cheetos tall.
Iris: Why did you think you needed to measure yourself in Cheetos?
Sally: We ran out of Doritos.———————————————————————
Misty: [pretends to stretch arms]
Misty: [puts arm around Cordelia's shoulder]
. . .
Zoe: [looks at Madison sitting by her side]
Zoe: [pretends to stretch arms too]
Zoe: [hits Madison's face with her elbow]———————————————————————
Queenie: "Knowledge" is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; "wisdom" is not putting it in a fruit salad.
Zoe: That was deep.
Nan: "Philosophy" is wondering if that means ketchup a smoothie.
Zoe: That was deeper.
Madison: "Common sense" is knowing that ketchup isn't a damn smoothie, you dumbasses.———————————————————————
Mallory: jails no fun, I'll tell you that.
Coco: Mallory, when have you ever been to jail?
Mallory: I did once... in monopoly.