Fifty One

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Queenie: So how was your date with Zoe?
Madison: Oh right our date...
Queenie: You didn't make it to the restaurant did you?
Madison: We didn't even make it out of the bedroom.
Queenie: Damn girl. Y'all work fast.


Jude: Is there a word between angry and sad?
Lana: Malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolate.
Kit: ... smad?


Queenie: Madison, are you the big spoon or little spoon?
Madison: I'm a knife.
Zoe: She's the little spoon.


Tristan: Is there another word for horny but not in a sexual way?
Tristan: Like I'm horny for Halloween but I don't want to fuck a pumpkin.
Iris: Do you mean excited?


[Zoe and Madison shopping]
Madison: Is this jumper for girls or boys?
Zoe: It's unisex.
Madison: You need sex?
Zoe: No, U-N-I-SEX.
Madison: I mean if you're down... then sure.

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