Fifty Seven

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Myrtle: From now on, we will be using code names. You can address me as Eagle One.
Mallory is "Been There Done That"
Madison is "Currently Doing That"
Misty is "It Happened Once In A Dream"
Queenie is "If I Had To Pick A Girl"
Myrtle: And Cordelia is Eagle Two.
Cordelia: Oh thank god...
Zoe: Wait... am I "That?"


Ally: When's the last time you slept?
Winter: Nine.
Ally: AM or PM?
Winter: No, nine, like the date.
Ally: Today is the 16th, you've been awake for a week?
Winter: No, I haven't.
Ally: Oh, thank god.
Winter: I didn't say it was this 9th.
Ally: ...


Cordelia: Girls, don't worry, I love you all equally.
Madison: [walking past] Hey, mom.
Cordelia: Oh hey, sweetie.
Cordelia: Okay listen-


Tate: [to Ben] I've been dropping really subtle hints that I'm single.
Violet: Hey Ta-
Tate: I'm single.


Madison: Back in middle school I had a crush on this girl, so I wrote her a note that said "Get out of my school."
Queenie: ???
Zoe: Wait, that was you?!

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